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Old 06-18-2010, 11:56 PM
Shareef Shareef is offline
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Default my take

i only picked this game because i was bored, i said to myself 'pick this up play through it in a day and then go back to playing company, medeival 2 and the other great games' little did i know what was waiting for me. were as many say company of heros is better than this game, i think CP is no match for men of war, if only it had a more user friendly tools an touches.

the amount of work and tought that has been put on this game to provide it with depth and realism is far ahead of anything i've seen before, had this game had a few minor features it'd probably replace cp as the top wwii rts. and i really hope to see the next instalment having these improvment, so as to reduce the liklihood of people finding it too demanding.

so here are a couple of my own ideas:

before i start i'd like to just say MOW was far better than Red Tide because some changes were made in the wrong direction, and since i've completed MOW and am more than half way through RT i'd say that NONE OF THE EXISTING FEATURES SHOULD BE REMOVED.

micro managing units is one of this games strongest points, it is also it's weakest. especially in RT were your men will always run out of ammo. this is a cool feature, and it is realistic. but then try rearming 50 men, in the heat of battle, with little time before the enemies next attack. (i've successfully rearmed large groups of men by slowing the game down and hitting the pause key sevaral times per in game second, and i did not enjoy it, neither will anyone who tries) isnt there another way to make your troops replenish themslves with as few clicks as possiple?

my idea is that there should a new inventory mechanism, for example you equip your lone soldier with 10 med kits, 1 smg, 300 rounds, 4 ap granedes and 4 normal ones, now he is ready for battle. after some time when you wish to rearm him and his comrades, instead of selecting each and then going to a dead body or crate, consider if you could just click save inventory when he was carrying full equipment, then when you want him to replenish you click replenish and the select and area, your man will automatically go to that area and search for what he needs within it's boundries, he will only take a specific item if he has less than the saved amount, and he will only search within the area specified, when finishe he returns to his original position. so you didnt have to click though 10 bodies and 5 crates (some of which you have already looted). a feature like that will cut my mission time by atleast 30min. the same could be applied to tanks, some of the crew will exit go and fetch the right munitions and even feul from nearby disabled enemy tanks. with a saved inventory they will only carry he specified amount so there is enough left to go around. the specific area to loot from will mean your men will not venture into dangerous ground in search of suplies. and you will use the slow time feature less often as it reduces game enjoyment.

the other area this game needs improvement is sound, voice acting is cold and out of context (even terrible), red tide also changed some of the sound effects but again in the wrong direction, the old ones where better.

several important items are also extremely rare in this game, two inperticular, are mine detectors, and barrels in which to store fuel, typically every veihcle should have atleast one (they always did).

ok i'm getting sleepy but i'll probably write a few more points latter.

ps. the people who cocieved and designed this game should be proud of themselves, this is really the best piece of wwii strategy game ever, perhaps better than all modern warfare rts games.
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