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Old 06-15-2010, 09:21 PM
FOZ_1983 FOZ_1983 is offline
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Originally Posted by sloppy_clock View Post
So, my copy of the new 505 game came out, Naval Assault. Just thought I would offer a rough review on it to other sim and 505 game fans:

The game itself has a similar essence as IL2, same type of music, the cut-scenes are generally of the same quality. I'm going to list the good and bad points as I noticed them.

So first off, as you load up the game into the first mission you notice one thing: Bad quality voice-overs, with bad acting. You can tell that the actors are having problems with assuming their roles, and that the quality of the voices are extremely poor when coming over the music and sound effects. Most annoying and important of all, they use incorrect grammar often, making sentences sound like questions and exclaiming when it is not needed.

Graphics in this game is a huge let-down. In the tutorial, you start underwater, the graphics is ok; nothing which it should be, upon raising the sub onto the surface of the water you notice something very important: The water does not splash over the sub, it cuts over it, much like you would expect in a game produced in the late 90's to early 2000. Very, very poor graphics. Land graphics are extremely poor, and I mean shockingly so in the first 3 missions, its just appalling.

So the game play, controls are not to bad, easy to learn and easy to master. Some nice features like being able to go into the deck-gun view, and also being able to go to a torp view. However, something which bothered me extremely was that whenever you shoot at a plane and hit it, it explodes, every single time; not very realistic at all.

Ok so as I said its a rough review. As a devoted 505 gamer, I wanted to try out their new release hoping it would be a similar simulator, hopefully with more of a finish tan IL2, however from my time playing it I would say that this game is further unfinished, and was released just as IL2 was, as money maker for future games.

I have lost a large part of respect for 505.


Someone bought this shite?? unlucky mate.

I downloaded the game videos off the XBL market place and within a few seconds i turned it off. Just from the video you could see how appaling it looked. Definately not upto the 360's standards.

505 are jus tthe publishers though i believe? Could be wrong though. Needless to say, they only get to handle the smaller companies a godsend in itself as they a re a discrace.
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