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Old 06-11-2010, 02:25 PM
N3MES1S N3MES1S is offline
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Originally Posted by Razorflame View Post
not really

i prefer fast units

being quicker means u can act faster and have more tactics avaible..

level 5 units cost alot of leadership

which could weaken your army quite a bit

i prefer high quantities of level 4 units they >level 5 with ease
LOL, if all the level 5 units were faster, it will be just a waste of time xD. I use dragons, trolls (fighting at night), cyclops, ogres and inquisitors (my only level < 5 unit -.-). As u can see, there is no speed issue with that level 5 units, dragons can fly, trols gain +2 speed at night (and regenerates), i can cast haste on ogres or use the rage ability, and cyclops attacks either from distance or melee, if u cast stone skin on cyclops they are one of the most hard to kill creatures on the game. All my level 5 units can be healed (except cyclops) and resurrected, and if u have more speed that doesnt mean u can act faster, that depends on the initiative. The slowest level 5 unit i have, ogres, gain initiative everytime it kills a troop. And Trolls gain initiative fighting at night. Red dragons have good initiative. I really dont care about using level 4 or level 5 units, i just played too many games and wanted to play in a different way -.-.

Last edited by N3MES1S; 06-12-2010 at 01:40 AM.
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