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Old 05-25-2010, 02:45 AM
sithmace sithmace is offline
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Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 3

Right now the official MOW site is closed for any updates, we will place all relent files ASAP.
Not very encouraging since i only just a day or so ago purchased this game.

Any chance in a progress report on how talks with steam have gone? im quite abit anoyed i have just spent money on this game to then find out the only person i can play online with is the other poor steam members who cant get the patch installed due to the lack of there being one for steam atm.

There is literaly 0-1 servers up for 1.11.3/1.16 versions.

Its very fustrating seeing a huge list of servers with players who purchased a hard copy of the game and then finding out you cannot join a single one of them.

So any info you have on this situation would be greatly appretiated.

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