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Old 05-17-2010, 03:32 PM
Korsakov829 Korsakov829 is offline
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Originally Posted by Nikitns View Post
ALSO VERY IMPORTANT: Nerf the ******* calliope US tank. Its so OP i want 2 cry. It was useless IRL and this is why it was produced in pretty much insignificant numbers.
I fear this tank. I only use about 4 light infantry squads, 2 light tanks, 1 MG and 1 Mortar, along with a APC all in one area rushing the enemy. I absolutely fear it, along with everyother rocket in the game. Never fought one before but it sounds absolutely devastating. It could take out all my infantry with 1 rocket barrage and knock out my light tanks with its cannon, but by the time I reach it and destroy it I would only have a squad left. Useless in real life, maybe, devasting in game.

I think the tanks are alright. If you want a evenly matched game play Germany vs Germany (not really fun though). Every army has their own tactics. For Germany, its hit and run with tanks and trucks. For Japan, Artillery barrage followed by tanks and infantry.

Japan is going to have lots of infantry, artillery, and light tanks. The tanks for Japan is fine. They aren't going to get bogged down in the rain as much as the American tanks and are good for hit and run also.
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