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Old 04-23-2010, 02:39 PM
Avimimus Avimimus is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 803

I'm stunned.

But I can still ask: Are there plans to introduce slight random variations into the movement of vehicles? For example:
- Have the speed of each vechicle vary by 0.2 kph, oscillating around the speed set in the mission files?
- Having the reaction time of a turret randomly vary by a second or two (so turrets start turning a fraction of a second later or earlier - making them less predictable)?

It would certainly make it more interesting to be a tank crewman

Once again, I'm stunned by today's update. It has taken all my composure and self-restraint to be able to post such a trivial point instead of simply being overawed for the next six hours...
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