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Old 04-06-2010, 10:06 PM
sierrahotel sierrahotel is offline
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Default Just some food for thought

The great thing about WW2 flight sims are the numerous types of missions and campaigns available. This is an area I think that needs to be explored more and I can understand how someone might get peeved with the repetitive nature of most flight sims changing the scenery but keeping the same mission types. I would like to see a flight sim, hopefully IL-2, bring some variety. For example, include some night fighter missions where you fly mosquitoes or ju-88s using primitive radar to stalk your prey. Or you can fly for RAF Bomber Command or the USAAF 8th AF and make day/night bombing raids. How about a campaign flying for No. 100 Group RAF flying special missions like delivering supplies for the Free French or landing behind enemy lines to drop off/pick up spies. 100 group also dropped window (chaff) and used ECM to try to hide bomber formations heading to Germany. You could fly mosquitoes performing special pin point raids like the famous attack on the pow camp. Of course the mossie also did recce and pathfinder missions. Other missions can focus on coastal command and the hunting of u-boats while protecting convoys. Has there been a game involving the dambusters? How about shooting down V-1 rockets but this time in aircraft capable of the task like the spitfire xiv. Yes I know some aircraft can take shots while in a dive but its variety in missions and their respective aircraft's that make it interesting. Flying a C-47 and dropping paratroops would be cool too. There are just so many possibilities.

Another thing I'd like to see is a more complete campaign. For instance, I think it would be interesting to experience the transition to a new aircraft and this would make for a better way to 'unlock' an aircraft. Keeping historically accurate, a spitfire squadron in 1944 (depending which one) may be transitioning to the P-51D. So you experience going to an operational training unit before being posted with your squadron once again to another part of the battlefield (again keeping historically accurate) to carry on the fight. Of course it may not be your sqn but instead just you the pilot that is transferring because a new squadron is being formed that needs experienced officers, lets say a new sqn operating the Hawker Tempest.

Another thing that I think needs addressing is the mission complete factor. To me it hurts the game having to shoot down all enemy aircraft in a given air space. That is not true to the real experience of air combat in WW2. Whether you (and your flight) shoot down 10 or 2 aircraft should still be a mission success. Anytime you make it back to base or survive a bale out should still be a mission complete. For example, if the sequel should include a night fighter mission, those who use radar and proper stalking techniques may be very successful while others might see no aircraft at all and have to return to base due to low fuel. Both completed the mission and have added to their mission op total.

Realism I guess is what I am after, trying to make the game less predictable. I remember reading accounts of pilots heading into a dogfight with the air full of aircraft in every direction and after 2 minutes of battle finding themselves suddenly alone in a big sky with no one around. Instead enemy aircraft will follow you in a gaggle anywhere on the map. Sure there is ground based radar controllers but come on...

I would also like to see the addition of more aircraft types. As mentioned the Tempest and Mosquito would be cool as would more variants of the spitfire. I would like to see the P-47 as standard and not an add on. The P-38, P-40 (North Africa, CIB), typhoon, etc....etc.... try to be the gran turismo of flight sims. Unlocking aircraft should be through single missions and not multiplayer. The problem with having to shoot down x number of aircraft for this or that is that some people may find this a difficult task. Sometimes there are not enough people online, and in some cases the hosts cancel the game with a minute to go.

Oh and as was already mentioned, make the game more inclusive by choosing squadrons of different nationality. RCAF, RAAF, RNZAF, Czechs, Poles, etc... and show how RAF sqns were mostly mixed bags made up of Commonwealth, Americans, French, Norwegians etc... so your wingmen might have any type of accent.
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