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Old 04-04-2010, 02:50 PM
Goblin Wizard Goblin Wizard is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 508

IMO due to the power of kali/tungsten modules every system slot is a huge change. It's worth to try but may follow to undestroyable ship. Making of "perma tank everything" ship is a straight way to easy and boring game.

Hmmm... an idea!!! What about making mothership only carrier-like ship. No main guns. Fast and manoverable. Only 3-4 small turrets (eventually we can make medium caliber guns which use GKturrets graphic). In case of big ship confrontation add heavy fighter like butcher.
Thing to check is: can fighters use main caliber guns? This may follow to evolution of heavy fighters to two main types: 1. heavy escort fighter like it is now and heavy assault fighter equiped with one main gun and small turret.
What you think about it?

EDIT: Even if main gun fighters aren't possible we can add normal heavy/small gun with enough power to blow things up. If recharge time will be set to high value (like 5 sec or so) it will be useless against fighters. Others option is to make low accuracy guns so they can only be useful against big/slow ships. All to not make uber "good against everything" gun.
I think this game is about fighters dogfights so let's focus on them.

Last edited by Goblin Wizard; 04-04-2010 at 03:08 PM.
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