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Old 04-02-2010, 04:23 PM
JG27CaptStubing JG27CaptStubing is offline
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Originally Posted by ARGH View Post
i may be asking too much but would love to know (if someone knows...maybe a dev?) what kind of GPU power we are looking at for at least a 30 fps experience on high graphical settings with a quad core cpu. my sli gpu setup is equivalent to a GTX 260 so i am praying that is enough power for all the eye candy.

from the pictures and information i read about this game i know it is multi-threaded but don't know if it will only utilize dual cores or more than this. the pictures look on par with wings of prey and i can run that game quite well.

if anyone knows the details a reply would be appreciated.
I'm actually running 8800GTs 512 in SLI and they scale very well in IL2. I'm pushing the righ with an overclocked Q9650 at 4ghz and running 1920X1200 with very little problems. The only time it studders is when the map makers go a little nuts with the Mod AI stuff.

Having played Birds of Prey as a prelude to SOW it actually runs and scales better than IL2 with full DX9 support. My cards didn't bat an eye at the eye candy of that game. There is a good chance you will be able to run SOW just fine. Oleg's been really good about scaling the game engine over time.

Of course with Fermi hitting the streets I will be going with a faster single card solution once the dust settles.

Last edited by JG27CaptStubing; 04-02-2010 at 04:26 PM.
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