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Old 03-16-2010, 09:57 AM
Nanaki Nanaki is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 338

7. More life to the universe. It still looks too empty. Also more AI would help. Currently AI ships only patrol predefined routes. It would be good if AI should attack enemy sectors and maybe even overtake them. To be honest, everyone in SW3 speaks of war but I have not seen any real war except of a few skirmishes....
This is very much so moddable. Star Wolves 2 had the same issues until a couple of German Modders re-did all the systems, AI, and ships. It was pretty amazing considering you occasionally even saw capital ship battles.

6. More cool motherships. There are already some good ones in SW3, namely Lions, but since SW1 I have been looking forward to fly something like the Stalingrad. I know, I know, the balance would have to be corrected but for the right price or through a really tough mission some cool ship should be obtainable.
I would say this is Star Wolves 3's biggest accomplishment, as both previous games in the series you were stuck with the mothership you were given for the entire game (The first game it was the Star Wolf, the second game it was the Ramadanta, which was basically a Star Wolf with a better model).
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