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Old 02-21-2010, 02:08 PM
DGDobrev DGDobrev is offline
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Location: Bottrop, Germany, born Varna, Bulgaria.
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Well, this is what I did in that battle:

Turn 1. Move the Black Dragons to a hex that have only 2 advacent hexes near his starting position. Put traps on both hexes. Both archdemons land on the traps and get damaged and poisoned (since by now you should have trap lvl 3). If you have rage, use mana accelerator to compensate for the lost mana for the traps.
Turn 2. If there are still archdemons, move the Black dragon to the opposite cell that has 2 adjacent cells and put 2 more traps. By now most of the enemies have moved towards the center and the southern part (your part) of the battlefield, but still, they shouldn't pose a threat.
Turn 3. Now analyze. If there's an enemy that can reach you, put a trap on this path and wait with the black dragons. You still have 1 cast left and the enemies have all moved. Use the final cast to deal a hard blow to the enemy stacks by death star or geyser. Use mana accelerator to recover some of the mana and use BD's ability to damage as many enemies as possible to generate some more rage.
Turn 4. Use mana accelerator and hide the BD's on one of the "towers" (the spots that have only 1 adjacent cell to the in the eastern and western part of the battlefield. Use poison skull on the most dangerous enemy stacks and analyze again - either wait or use deathstar/geyser again.

Now the enemy stacks have been greatly reduced, Archdemons are no more (unless one of the portals spawn them, but they are usually in a small quantity) and you can fly from side to side and cast spells to destroy them. Don't worry about armageddon - as long as there is no unit samman can target to cast armageddon (and the BD's can't be targeted) you can easily win the battle.


Alchemy IS a waste if you use neatness lvl 3. There is no point in losing so many runes to learn alchemy when by breaking the items you buy for runes and crystals you will get all the extra runes/crystals you need. I made the mistake of taking both once - no more. Having 500+ crystals left and all your spells built up to the max is inefficient.

Last edited by DGDobrev; 02-21-2010 at 02:15 PM.
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