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Old 02-15-2010, 06:13 PM
loreangelicus loreangelicus is offline
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Default how much Leadership do you get from Quests?

I was trying to look for it in the forum posts, but can't seem to find it. I need to know how much leadership is gained for completing quests and quest steps.

Very early in my game, just done Debir-Scarlet-Bolo-Verona-Rusty-Scarlet-Debir. I know getting the 1st stone gives 20 leadership, the 2nd stone 200 leadership. How much leadership do you get for the rest of the stones? Any other leadership bonuses derived from quests?

I'm asking this because I need to buy droids at Montero Mines. Given that you can't Sacrifice for droids, I need to stock up on them, hopefully enough till I finish the game. I'm hoping to finish off Montero in one run, and I'd hate to waste time going back to the mines just to replenish my droid supply.
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