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Old 02-08-2010, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by dduff442 View Post
While you're right to complain about the bugs, I did manage to get acceptable performance after a lot of painful experimentation. My system has an i7/920 CPU with an ATI HD5870 GPU, but the settings here should be useful to anyone with a recent ATI card.

The simple solution is to use DirectX with the latest Catalyst driver update. I haven't tested this extensively but it delivered excellent FPS performance. The only problem I noticed was that the landscape tended to momentarily break up into black squares whenever the viewing angle was shifted suddenly.

The other problems with DirectX in il2 are one that the water is flat and not nearly as pretty as in OpenGL and two that 'perfect' graphics mode is unavailable. 'Perfect' mode doesn't matter except in clear weather (apparently) when it doubles the draw distance. I did manage to get both these features working in OpenGL as I'll explain.

With the latest ATI drivers (10.2), il2 is pretty much unplayable in OpenGL mode due to the problems of text corruption etc. Dropping a copy of version 9.1 of the ATI OpenGL driver into your il2 directory will allow you to use 9.1 for il2 (which works fine) and 10.2 for everything else.

So... after a lot of messing around, I finally arrived at what I consider the optimal settings:
Thank you for these settings, unfortunately it still won't work with my system. Framerate is probably about 1-5fps and even menus are painfully slow. I have Ati HD4850 1gb card, catalyst 10.2 and 9.1 opengl driver in il2 directory, OS is xp32. Any thoughts what could be wrong?
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