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Old 01-20-2010, 09:27 PM
Pudgy (V) Pudgy (V) is offline
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Default To Publishers, 1C Company and 505 Games

This is my first true post to this forum but I am a long time reader, I hope this doesn't go on deaf ears.

I work in business everyday of my life and I am really trying to understand the business practices of the Developers, IC Company and 505 games. You guys are a team (Developers + IC Company + 505 = Team). I think it is funny how a member from IC Company has to ask someone at 505 games what the status is of the patch? Why would he even have to ask, shouldn't he already know. Why does a member of the development team know what all the patch updates are but has no idea why it has not been approved and released from 505 or Microsoft or for that matter whether it was even sent in the first place. Don't you communicate with each other? If that is not embarrassing and quite comical I don't know what is. You guys should take up late night in the U.S. Lets face reality, you guys are failing badly regardless of who's at fault. How do you guys function on a daily basis? Enough said on that topic, now for the important one. What happen to the term "Customer Satisfaction"? Do you realize you have no, I mean no relationship with your customers. This flaw alone has killed many businesses. Is this how you take care of your companies, nothing like starving it before it has a chance to grow. But then again, how would I expect you to have a relationship with your customers when you can't even communicate between companies. The fact is there is still no patch and it is four months later. I have seen games patched within hours of release, so what is the delay. Who would know, only you. I am trying to understand what your dilemma is and the only thing I can come with is that you simply are having a hard time coming up with the funding. If this is the case, I can proof that putting a patch out there will help solve the issue instead of putting you below the bottom line. After a patch, release some cool DLC's to help fund it. You don't necessarily have to include more missions but just a very functional plane. I know I would be interested in flying a P38 among others. I am sure people would be more than happy to purchase more planes if the game was fixed. I wouldn't think it would be that expensive to produce and the revenue would far out way the expense. If people are happy the word of mouth spreads like wild fire and that is your best marketing tool. Right now if you continue the silent treatment approach hoping everybody will go away is only upsetting people. Sure you made your money but that is only a temporary solution. Most people are going away only to never purchase another product from any of your companies in the future. Not to mention, now some of your customers including me are expressing their right and reviewing your game at websites and writing to review magazines to help future consumers from making the same mistake we did and that is buying your broken product. You may have your money but we will have the final say. How can that be beneficial to you in any future projects? So why let that happen to you, remember the voice of the customer always wins in the end so stop playing the silent treatment and pointing fingers because it isn't doing you or anybody else a favor nor is it solving the problem. Start acting like mature companies who care about their customers and the welfare of their futures. I am telling you this because I belief you have a great product with much potential and I would hate to see this die before it barely gets started in the console business. Lets face it, the consoles are the gaming of the future so start treating its followers with respect.

Thank-you Pudgy
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