Thread: Performance
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Old 01-11-2010, 08:26 AM
doordie doordie is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 56

it runs games. games designed specifically for linux market, and more and more universal dvd releases (win/mac/linux). it can also run using certain programs most games but some take more work than others. that forum is the official one, seemed to be better before. you should go to the unofficial official ones, i forgot the site as i haven't been there in a while. but what i'm about to tell you will make you very happy. ati should be avoided if you're running linux. ati treats their workers like sh*t especially after amd bought them. as such, their products are a mess until 6months to a year after when they catch up on drivers. this leaves little room for helping the 5-10% linux users. and of course like any computer company making billions of dollars, they want to fight open source as much as they can, as they can see it steadily growing, even though they're a hardware company! @_@

i think you can download kubuntu add-on where you downloaded updates.
in my opinion if linux wasn't free just cheap it would be more widespread. apple even in the days before intel processors when you literally couldn't open a folder without the system hanging with that weird empty box (their version of blue screen of death) it was wildly popular and people would pay more for that than a windows based pc. a lot of people fear linux like its a communist trap

Last edited by doordie; 01-11-2010 at 08:32 AM.