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Old 01-09-2010, 05:43 PM
Chancellor23 Chancellor23 is offline
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Default Further Tests Completed

I agree. This problem makes no sense to me. Why does it affect only one specific function of one specific weapon beginning with one specific chapter? It’s like this weapon has data that is stored outside of its definition file. Or its zoom data conflicts with the Chapter 3 data. Or something. I assume that the rendering engine doesn’t change from chapter to chapter. I don’t know the programming language(s); so, the error message is mysterious to me. Just guessing, but it looks like a lot of variable assignments (“set”) or counters (“tick”). Except for the “[C]…” line, which looks like a looping statement (“foreachi”).

I assume that the code is executed sequentially. So, why are there seven lines in the error message? Were they all on the same stack? Which line is causing the crash? In what order is this code executing (top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top)?

Note: After each test below, I reversed the changes that I made to my installation so that I’d start each test with the same files and settings.

Note: Instead of Left Mouse button, Right Mouse button, and Middle Mouse button, I’m going to start calling them Mouse1, Mouse2, and Mouse3, respectively. It’s faster.

Note: When I say that a weapon worked successfully, I mean that the test did not crash the game. Not all weapons have Mouse2 functionality, for example, the GEW98 with Grenade.

Note: Have modified my testing here. Unless stated otherwise, I am testing the Mouse2 functionality on only the GEW 98 with Bayonet to save time because the other weapons have tested successfully in all the other tests.

Originally Posted by Gniarf View Post
Out of curiosity try playing in 1024x768 DX9.
Done. No change. The GEW 98 zooms correctly in Chapters 1 and 2, but using Mouse2 in Chapter 3 crashes the game. Same error message as before. Boy, this game sure looks scruffy with these video settings.

Originally Posted by Gniarf View Post
It's called a grenade, and what it does is to go boom when you touch it.
Cool. Thanks. I didn’t test Mouse1 or Mouse3 before—just Mouse2.

Originally Posted by Gniarf View Post
test1: I'm starting to wonder if it is not a bug in the copy-protection system. Try replacing your necrovision.exe with the one given below (I never thought .zip compression could do that well).
Done. Same problem and same error code. Mouse2 works correctly in Chapters 1 and 2, but crashes the game in Chapter 3. I did receive a “security warning” at game launch, but the game played correctly.

Originally Posted by Gniarf View Post
test2: Put the attached Gew98.CWeapon in your NecroVisioN\Data\lscripts\Templates\Weapons directory.
Note: For this test, I tested Mouse2 for all three versions of the GEW98 because I didn’t know if they were all variations based on the template you provided. I also tested Mouse1 and Mouse3 for all three variations because “Gew98.CWeapon” contains behavior definitions for the weapon, for example, “zoom” and “melee.” I had to create the folder path you provided because I have no \lscripts folder in my \Necrovision\Data folder—this is a base retail install, patched to Version 1.2.

Done. In Chapters 1 and 2, the GEW98 with Grenade and the GEW98 with Sight both worked successfully with Mouse1, Mouse2, and Mouse3. In Chapter 3, the GEW98 with Bayonet worked successfully with Mouse1 and Mouse3. In Chapter 3, the GEW98 with Bayonet crashed the game with Mouse2. Same error code as before.

Originally Posted by Gniarf View Post
test3: (I don't believe in this one) put cutscene_madman.CAction in NecroVisioN\Data\levels\Level_03_The_Hill\CAction
Note: I did not have the folder path you provided; so I created it for this test.

Done. No change. The GEW 98 zooms correctly in Chapters 1 and 2, but using Mouse2 in Chapter 3 crashes the game. Same error message as before.

Originally Posted by Gniarf View Post
test4: put an empty (0 kb) file in NecroVisioN\Data\lscripts and name it Loader.lua. If the game does NOT crash at startup, tests 2&3 are voided and the files should be placed under the other necrovision directory.
Note: I used Notepad to create the empty 0 KB file.

The game did not launch. Instead, I received the following Script Error:
[string “Game:OnSwitchToState(2)”]: attempt to index global ‘Game’ (a nil value)

BTW: The \Data folder in my user profiles directory contains only one subfolder: \Maps—which branches down two levels to four folders, all of which are empty. Meaning: There are no data files in my user \Data folder; there are only folders. All data files are in the program installation folder.

Originally Posted by Gniarf View Post
What is the size of your levels.pak? Mine is 7 646 505 bytes (and a bit more "on disk").
Same size as yours: 7,646,505 bytes (7,647,232 bytes on disk).

The only good thing I can say about this bug is that it’s consistent: GEW98 with Bayonet, Mouse2, beginning with Chapter 3.

I suppose I could use the “nvnweapons” cheat code for Chapter 3 and pray that the bug goes away in Chapter 4. But I’m not a Cheat Coder. I wouldn’t experience the game “the way it’s meant to be played.” With or without NVIDIA.

Last edited by Chancellor23; 01-09-2010 at 05:50 PM. Reason: Word corrections.
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