Thread: Performance
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Old 01-09-2010, 12:44 PM
doordie doordie is offline
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Originally Posted by Rob_G View Post
So if this is the case how can ubuntu be superior to widows? i spent £1500 on my pc for 1 reason, to play games so i think i would rather remain blind thanks.
I spent $400 on my pc and do the same thing. maybe my screen is not as big, my video card not as noisy, I understand completely but you shouldn't be obliged to hold up some illusion and lie to yourself that you have the best when you dont even have anything to compare it to. Like many others I dual boot, Windows is purely for the newest games though technically you can run win emulation in linux to get games to work, but the main problem is graphics drivers (especially from ati) & direct x effects. "Manually imputing commands" is not a problem for me, in fact I love it. It brings me back to the days of dos. When Windows 3.1 arrived you'd usually have to restart to dos to play games because Windows was too buggy. It had the same bugs version after version for 10 years (and ran under dos), despite huge profits and a massive workforce, so how can I like Microsoft? But I don't dislike them more than Apple, or Intel or many others. Because Microsofts programs are all free, you can't pirate hardware. Best example XP was cracked 20+ days before it even launched and I can use that same serial key today and update to ServicePack3 from their website. No I'm not being an idealist for computer things, or a linux elitist or one of those nerds, I care about bigger things in life. But I don't like to be spied on, by the N$@, h0m3l@nd s3c^r!ty or whoever. They already raid our servers, monitor everything on internet, is that not enough? they have to scan every one of my mp3s? maybe when the next-gen Microsoft integrated house products come to market, I can simply connect my brain to have my thoughts uploaded. I don't like the demeaning cookie cutter ideology which underestimates our intelligence. We are already all tools & slaves, but when you get on your computer you're the master of the machine. You're supposed to be doing the "programming". That's how it used to be, why should I bow down to this shit for some cheesy features which apple's os probably had 3 years ago and linux had before that. there are many versions of linux, each build for a niche, and they are constantly being improved. its unfair to try it once and make conclusions, when you said yourself vista was horrible compared to 7, and that's despite the fact that you had been using windows for years. i wasn't trying to sell linux but rather scolding him for upgrading to the newest trends on an aging system! i acknowledge that win7 not only looks good because of exceeding low expectations (after the disastrous vista), or because the timing of 64-bit transition was better, but that it's an actually good system. i simply meant that if you have an old computer the last thing you need is the latest bloatware, even if 7 is not a system hog which is super, there hasn't been the first service pack.

btw speaking of flash player, i think that's adobe's problem. they changed everything to downloader clients and such and as an unintended? consequence are helping to tank linux and its new users. ubuntu for example has no compatibility with photoshop, instead they developed one that's BETTER. but photoshop is adobe's breadbasket. in the 90s photoshop was over $500. i don't know how much it costs now but business is business. extortion is the name of the game, just like intel did to dell. those who suffer are ofcourse the users like us.

Last edited by doordie; 01-09-2010 at 01:03 PM.