Thread: Performance
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Old 01-08-2010, 12:13 PM
Rob_G Rob_G is offline
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Posts: 17

Originally Posted by doordie View Post
if you won't go back then why not upgrade to something better like ubuntu 9.10

but then if some people choose to remain blind..
Hmmmm ubuntu is better than windows?? i completely disagree, it took an hour just to get flash player installed, i have attempted to install ETS but gave up after half hour.

How can any operating system where you have to keep manually inputting commands and have to go through 20 different processes just to get 1 program installed be better than windows, also in one of my previous posts, i touched on the compatibility problems of vista, ubuntu is far worse, for example, will R'n'R even install on ubuntu, and if it did will it work?

after a clean istall of windows all i have to do is load youtube, it tells me i need to update flash, i click the link and its done, all ubuntu has done is made me appreciate windows 7 even more.

Last edited by Rob_G; 01-08-2010 at 12:41 PM.