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Old 12-16-2009, 11:01 AM
DGDobrev DGDobrev is offline
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Default About Gremlin Towers

I've posted it as an answer, but it would fit here as well"

Well, looking at the russian guide, The health of the gremlin towers seems to be influenced by the total health of the item defenders (the towers that Zilgadis spawns are an exception - they have 10k-15k health) and the number of gremlin towers in the item.

Gremlin tower health = 0.5 * Total health of all defenders / Number of gremlin towers

Gremlin tower stats:

1. Friendly:
- Attack = 3+Item level
- Defense = 3+Item level
- Intellect=7*Item level
Resurrection (based in item lvl)
Haste lvl 3
Slow lvl 3

Summon - based on the formula:
Troop health = tower health/ random number (0.8;1.6)
- translation: that means that the total health of the summoned stack is between 62.5% and 125% of the gremlin tower health.

Based on item lvl means:
Item lvl 1-2 - spell lvl 1
Item lvl 3-4 - spell lvl 2
Item lvl 5 - spell lvl 3

2. Evil:
- Attack = 5+Item level
- Defense = 5+Item level
- Intellect=7*Item level
Lightning (based on item lvl)
Fireball (based on item lvl)
Weakness lvl 1
God armor (based on item lvl)
Doom (based on item lvl)
Sheep (based on item lvl)

Based on item lvl means:
Item lvl 1-2 - spell lvl 1
Item lvl 3-4 - spell lvl 2
Item lvl 5 - spell lvl 3

0% Physical
0% Fire
20% Poison
80% Magic

Last edited by DGDobrev; 01-25-2010 at 11:48 AM. Reason: post updated
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