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Old 11-19-2009, 10:25 AM
DGDobrev DGDobrev is offline
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Default KBAP Info thread PART 2

XIII. Morale.

In a nutshell, morale shows your troops' motivation to fight for you. If their motivation is high, they'll fight even better, as if they're not themselves. If their motivation to fight is low, they'll fight poorly.

Morale can go up and down when mixing troops, learning hero skills (like the conviction skill in the Mind tree), using unit abilities, or when receiving positive or negative effects in battle. You can check the current morale by examining the unit info at all times.

Here's how morale affects the units fighting capabilities:
+3 Morale (High) - +30% to base Attack and Defense; +40% critical hit chance
+2 Morale (Good) - +20% to base Attack and Defense; +30% critical hit chance
+1 Morale (Positive) - +10% to base Attack and Defense; +20% critical hit chance
0 Morale (Neutral) - no positive or negative bonuses
-1 Morale (Low) - -20% to base Attack and Defense; -25% critical hit chance
-2 Morale (Bad) - -35% to base Attack and Defense; -50% critical hit chance
-3 Morale (Critical) - -50% to base Attack and Defense; -100% critical hit chance

NOTE: AI troops do not receive any morale penalties regardless of the current race composition of their troops.

XIV. Race relations and how they affect the morale.

It is very important to study the race relations in advance. You should be aware that some races dislike other, some races simply hate others, others tolerate everyone. There are also a few races like to be only with their own kind.

NOTE: If a race relation is not shown here (like humans and elves, humans and dwarves, etc.), this means that these races tolerate each other and have no remorse when fighting side by side, thus there are no morale bonuses or penalties when mixing them up.

NOTE: Some units have innate traits that affect race relations. For example, Paladins, Priests and Inquisitors have the "Devoted to the Light" trait and they suffer no morale bonuses when there are undead in the army. The Emerald Green Dragons have the "Hates Giants" trait, which reduces their morale by -2 if there are Giants in the army. Royal Griffins have the "Hates Dragons" trait, which reduces their morale by -2 if there are dragons in the army. Refer to the units' traits for further information.

So, here we go:

1. Humans.
- presence of undead in the army - Morale -1
- presence of demons in the army - Morale -1

2. Elves.
- hero army consists of elvish troops only - Morale +1
- presence of dwarves in the army - Morale -1
- presence of orcs in the army - Morale -1
- presence of lizards in the army - Morale -1
- presence of demons in the army - Morale -1
- presence of undead in the army - Morale -2

3. Demons.
Demons consider all other races inferior, so they get neither positive, nor negative bonuses regardless of the troop setup.

4. Lizards.
- hero army consists of lizard units only - Morale +1
- presence of undead in the army - Morale -1
- presence of dragons in the army (with the exception of the bone dragon, as it is Undead) - Morale -1

5. Orcs.
- hero army consists of orcish units only - Morale +1
- presence of lizards in the army - Morale -1
- presence of demons in the army - Morale -1
- presence of undead in the army - Morale -2
SPECIAL: When an orcish unit kills an enemy, it always gains the maximum positive morale for the duration of the battle, in anticipation of the big spoils of war. Morale +10

6. Dwarves.
- hero army consists of dwarven units only - Morale +1
- presence of elves in the army - Morale -1
- presence of lizards in the army - Morale -1
- presence of undead in the army - Morale -1
- presence of demons in the army - Morale -2

7. Undead.
The Undead are equally indifferent towards all races.

8. Dragons (with the exception of the bone dragons, as it is Undead).
- presence of lizards in the army - Morale -1

Going in-depth: unit abilities

1. Harmony Aura (Druid) - all elves in the army, with the exception of the Druid, gain +1 morale.
2. Enormous Lizard (T-Rex) - all lizards in the army, with the exception of the T-Rex gain +1 morale.
3. Robber (Robber, Marauder) - all level 1-2 Human units lose 1 morale (peasant, bowman, priest, swordsman)
4. Demonologist (Demonologist) - the Demonologist gains +1 morale if there are demons in the army.
5. Valor (Knight) - Knights gain +1 morale
6. Tree Faerie (Dryad) - the presence of the Dryad in the army boosts the morale of all thorns and ents by +1.
7. Defender of Beauty (Unicorn) - Faeries and Dryads gain +2 morale
8. Commander (Guardsman) - swordsmen and bowmen in the army gain +1 morale.
9. Orc Commander (Ogre) - all orcs in the army, with the exception of the ogre gain +1 morale.
10. Likes Emerald Green Dragons (Giant) - the presence if Emerald green dragons in the army improves the morale of the Giant by +1
11. Mechanical (Droids) - always neutral morale
12. Hates Giants (Emerald Green Dragon) - the presence of Giants in the army reduces the Emerald Green Dragons' morale by -2
13. Hates Dragons (Royal Griffin) - the presence of dragons in the army reduces the morale of the Royal Griffin by -2
14. Cloud of Darkness (Necromancer) - the Necromancer's attack affects all 1-4 level creatures, with the exception of the Undead, reducing their morale by -1 for 3 turns.
15. Devoted to the Light (Priest, Inquisitor, Paladin) - does not receive penalty when there are undead in the army.
16. Cursed (Undead spider) - with a probability of 50% curses a level 1-4 enemy, reducing its morale by -1 for 3 turns.
17. Perfection (Royal Griffin) - all human units and griffins gain +1 morale.
18. Dark Commander (Black Knight) - all undead units in the army gain +1 morale.
19. Tolerance (Black unicorn, Werewolf Elf in both wolf and elf form) - does not receive negative morale bonuses if there are undead in the army.

Last edited by DGDobrev; 11-19-2009 at 11:04 AM.
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