Thread: Patch Update
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Old 11-16-2009, 02:09 AM
FOZ_1983 FOZ_1983 is offline
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A patch takes time and money. Something they could consider going to better use elsewhere (pc version for example), so they stall us all with the "its coming" and then blaming one or the other (ms or sony) knowing we cannot find out from them directly ourselves. As time goes on more players lose faith/interest and move on. By that time they will say "not enough people to merit us releasing the patch with the time/money it costs"

Guys -

their is no patch. Wake up and smell the coffee. Its not coming. I would love to be wrong, but i fear its to little to late. Its a vivid dream for us all thats all. We've been screwed over. Maybe not by anton and co, but by the higher ups.
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