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Old 11-05-2009, 09:19 PM
PedroTheGoat PedroTheGoat is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Kerrville, Tx.
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Originally Posted by Robotic Pope View Post
When the game was at its most popular online, I believe none where near Pedro's ability in a dogfight. Just look at the ranked Sim leaderboards. Now I see plenty of people racking up the kills using La5's and 7's in realistic, but I'm far more impressed when I see someone using one of the weaker planes and doing quite well.

Apart from pure flying skill, I would say Star Foz83 is the best communicator of all the players I have come across, which can really boost the team performance. Also, House always specialised in bombers so he became one of the best at bombing in Sim Strike. And I think Tudorp15 is one of the best at landing and capturing in sim CTA games, he always seems to time it just right while the enemy is distracted or respawning.
Thanks friend! Before it was all over I had switched to the Yak 3. Hopefully I can return and still have a bit of skill to compete with you guys. So once the patch hits, I'll be back.
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