Thread: Oceanic League
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Old 11-03-2009, 07:18 PM
Les Les is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 566

Aussie here. Not in a squad though, not really playing IL-2 much at all actually. Not enough time. So I'll have to give it a miss myself. Is it members from other squads you were looking to contact here, or just anyone in the region who might be interested?

Besides putting threads up at the Ubi forums and M4T, I can't think how you might get others onboard. When I was flying onine years ago though, there were only a handful of Aussie squads, if it's the same now, maybe you could try contacting them directly, if you haven't already. I don't imagine you'd get a lot of off-line players or non-squad affiliated players signing up though. I'm under the impression once people find out squads exist at all they make the choice whether they'll join one or not and then go seek one out.

I like the idea though, of the regional competition. And if you all get along, maybe you could pick a team made up from the best from the region and go challenge some squads from elsewhere. Who knows. Hope it works out anyway.
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