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Old 10-20-2009, 02:48 PM
FOZ_1983 FOZ_1983 is offline
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Also seraph, though not really helpful i'd guess but -

bristol blenhiem (bomber)
4 x250lb bombs
2 x500lb bombs

A nice bomber to fly as its fast. I've found its best to keep this bomber at low level (low as possible without bomb blast getting you). It has a mid upper gunner which can shoot only behind and also a belly turret aswell as a wing mounted machine gun.

Blenhiem is a good aircraft to use for beginner players who want speed, yet dont feel to confident in a dogfight. It flies fast and delivers its payload. Granted its not a lot but it does the job. Stay low and it makes it harder for you to be hit.

It has some armour but nowhere near as much as the likes of every other bomber, your strong point here as a bobmer as stated is your speed. Go in low and fast then move on to another target or come back for another pass. IF playing with limited ammo then this plane isnt really a good choice due to the very small payload it offers.
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