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Old 10-15-2009, 11:07 AM
Lucas_From_Hell Lucas_From_Hell is offline
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Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 296

Well, maybe I should go CH... But the problem would be the rudder. The pedals may be good, but cost the same as the joystick. Throttle isn't THAT necessary, as I can do it with the one built-in FighterStick

Maybe the FFB isn't THAT necessary (and now I've just realized that I don't recall feeling any force feedback effect in the Su-30 simulator). As the buttons x hats, well, I'm more into the hats, as I've been going over the dark side (read "modern jets") very oftenly, and played such games even more than IL-2, recently.

It's a hell of a hard choice, still

The games I've been playing recently are only Lock On and IL-2.

Nearmiss, what do you mean by extra expenses with the Cougar? Is there anything that has to be changed on it?
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