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Old 10-13-2009, 04:26 PM
mattmanB182 mattmanB182 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Maryland, USA
Posts: 183

Just an update here: When I first flew the K-4 in a fight, i thought it was a crate, and I did terrible. But now I really love the K-4, if you know how to fly it, it can be a beast even on team battle.

I dont stress hard over getting in turning fights. If he starts to bank hard, I simply change to another target of opportunity. It does not take much from a K-4's armament to take down an enemy plane.

Its not the best handeling, and it is heavy, but its very fast. Its armament can take down anything fairly easily.

One more thing I would like to add: Many of you will disagree, but the K-4 seems to be a much more stable gun platform than the G-6. I actually score hits much more easily using the K-4. It has really become my favorite 109. And it can take quite a few hits before control is lost.
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