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Old 10-07-2009, 09:55 AM
Benrizz Benrizz is offline
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Originally Posted by Benrizz
And now the big part when dogfighting

- Here is the typical case:
You are engaged in a fierce turning dogfight for about 3 minutes, I mean you think so because you haven't seen you opponent yet, but your dots are matched in the map.

Don't be scared of being blind, the reason is so simple: Whenever you can't see an enemy on Sim this is just because he is on your tail.
If you want to fully understand that. Go training Sim mode against 16 opponents.

You will see that you can only see max 4 bandits at a time. And finally you get shot down..... The game zoom out....

And you finally see that you had 12 bandits on your tail during 5 minutes.
But you weren't able to see them (12 planes !!!!) all the time. That's just an incredible picture to look at...

Originally Posted by MorgothNL View Post
The hat switch will take some pratice and getting used to.(like benrizz I really need it because of my screen, if i lose target, it will be very hard to spot it again).
It will most likely cause you to die a few times (I know I did). it is with the planes that have no cockpit, so when you look around, you attitude is sometimes not clear.
It happend to me many times in the beginning, I was turning low to the ground, had been turning for a few 360's keeping my joystick in the same spot all the time. Then, I use the hat switch for just 1 sec to check my target. I let the hat switch go, and all of a sudden I see that i'm nose down and...boom.
Dont know if thats just me, but I'm pretty sure I was keeping my jostick in the exact same turn when using the hat switch and then crashing. It is as if the hat siwtch also moves some flight controls at bit.
Yeah Morghot is right you have to realese the hat switch often to check your heading, altitude...etc and do the proper corrections

Even without puting a direction in your stick your plane will either dive or climb in a turn. But with time you will get how to handle it
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