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Old 10-02-2009, 03:36 PM
Widar Widar is offline
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Posts: 57

Originally Posted by MorgothNL View Post
you can see this in the virtual cockpit. Pretty good skill if you could keep it at 50 degree the whole time though. In real life this is easy with trimming, but in the game it is impossible to keep the plane exactly were you want
Thanks for the feedback.

You are right about the view, all testing was done with the virtual cockpit since this gives the degree data I needed.

Of course some aircraft are more stable than others in BOP, so with some it was easier to keep the climb or dive at a 50 degree angle. I probably should have written that down also, but flying and timing was work enough as it is.

All in all it was a lot of work and not the most exiting at that, but the results in my opinion are exiting, or at least useful. I hope that players take advantage of the data, because it gives hints about what tactic works against what aircraft. I also hope that the developers fix the historically incorrect unbalances that the testing has revealed.

I also did a lot of gunnery testing but have not gotten around to putting that test data in an table format yet, since all this takes a lot of time. Some results of the gunnery testing, to an extent, have been incorporated in the remarks in the test data list.
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