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Old 09-30-2009, 12:09 AM
nicknackpaddywack nicknackpaddywack is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 126

I didnt say i wanted a hardcore simulator. So take your head out your own ass a second so you can understand what im saying. All i was originally asking was why that image i linked on the first reply had a splitter switch. Until now i haven't seen any pictures with that item on them, i have been apealing for some realism on transmissions, THATS IT. The reason i want to play this game is because its going to be good. Its going to be fun, storyline and driving which they keep on saying is meant to be SO realistic. Me personally if i want a REAL experience i will just goto work.

Its not me that your frustration in an earlier post was directed at, as i don't care what they release. G25 support or not, i will still purchase this game purley for the entertainment value which i feel it offers, the added realism all along was a bonus.

So in future direct your patronising comments to someone else, im done here. This forum is full of morons anyway.

Also if you read what i wrote in response, i wasnt replying to you, i was replying to what QWX had said NOT YOU, BECAUSE I QUOTED HIM NOT YOU IN MY POST DURRRRRRRRRRRR, READ IT AGAIN AND IT WILL MAKE SENSE, I DONT DRIVE MANY MILES IN A TRUCK I SPEND ABOUT 1-2 HOURS A DAY DRIVING. i also said i wanted to build a joystick controller etc for a truck game but so far no one has released a game that would let me do this, so actually that DOES answer your question.


Last edited by nicknackpaddywack; 09-30-2009 at 12:17 AM.
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