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Old 09-24-2009, 02:39 PM
DoGMaN X DoGMaN X is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 6


I have just listed my 360 copy on ebay. This is why.

Had lots of fun completing the campaign on simulator and completing most of the single missions. I then went on multiplayer and wasnt too impressed.

The kill system is just so harsh, I shot the hell out this plane in the air, it stalled, was smoking, wings must have been demolished etc. But it took a long time to crash and I didnt get the kill. I coped with this for a while but its just so harsh, it has happened way too frequently for it to be forgivable or justified.

Also, I dont like the controller. I want a joystick, but the AV8R is just too expensive for me at the moment.

Most importantly, Il 2 1946. Went back to it the other day and I just thought wow. Dropped into the FW and messed up my takeoff and I was just in awe. I didnt use my rudder properly and the plane started swerving to the right side and my right wing just clipped the rader/watch tower and just saw the most unbelievable crash ever.

Why take this feature out? Why not show off the most impressive damage model I have ever seen? I just dont get it. Instead the plane just blows up..

Anyway I take to the skies and start getting hits and really start struggling with my plane. It catches smoke, then catches fire, then explodes. Its strange but it was exhilirating just to struggle with a doomed bird in the air. So why implement a silly auto eject system?

The way the aircraft icons work are also pefect. The icons only start fading in when within 6KM or something like that to the target, and also fade in and out perfectly when clouds are involved. There is just no balance like this when comparing Realistic and Simulator difficulties. Sim is fine, but awkward looking around doesnt help.

And I also have a brilliant Saitek Cyborg EVO with my pc, and I cant afford to spend more on another joystick for my 360.

I can only hope the patch makes this game a lot better, I get the feeling everything is there, it just seems limited due to very stupid decision making as I have highlighted above. It may not seem like much, but this is why I love Il 2 1946. Its just so immersive and so free, you can do anything you bloody want.

I hope the patch helps, it seems like so far most of my problems should be ironed out, because if it does I will buy a used copy for my 360.

Im going to keep a lookout on the forums.

Last edited by DoGMaN X; 09-24-2009 at 02:43 PM.
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