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Old 09-15-2009, 09:00 PM
TRC Subaru TRC Subaru is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: NOR-CAL
Posts: 143
Default what I believe this game is all about...

I just have to chime in and express what I believe this game is all about, I can put it one word, “FUN”. I believe the accessible multi-player experience is what this game is designed for and I still find it amazing that I can be dog-fighting with a guy from Germany, another from England, and even another from Japan…all from my living room couch in California…and all I have to do is turn on my XBOX and insert a disk. This is where Birds of Pray shines and I have a complete blast with it. For those true “Full Simers” - who I admire greatly for their incredible knowledge and flying skill, I believe the PC version will still continue and fulfill your every need for perfect altitude gauges in perfect cockpits, but for the rest of us, and I believe it is the majority, Birds of Pray is where I want to be and I believe that is the vision that the developers followed, because when it comes down to it, it’s about sales in relationship to development cost. Hopefully if this game is a success they will have enough money to make a special “Full Sim” addition. But until that happens I believe we all need to understand what Birds of Pray is and move on...
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