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BadKarmaSutra96 06-30-2009 07:51 AM

(un)official reviews reports thread
If you spot a IL2 review or movie post it here!;title;4

Mage_016 06-30-2009 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by BadKarmaSutra96 (Post 81307)
If you spot a IL2 review or movie post it here!;title;4

And if possible put reviews date in your post.

xNikex 06-30-2009 05:09 PM

trk29 06-30-2009 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by xNikex (Post 81385)

Link doesn't work

peterdegrotere 06-30-2009 06:35 PM

the gamspot review was not that positive, not real negative buth there asking themselfs if you dont fly to mutch from point a to b, before seeing action

Marchochias 06-30-2009 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by peterdegrotere (Post 81395)
the gamspot review was not that positive, not real negative buth there asking themselfs if you dont fly to mutch from point a to b, before seeing action

They said they did not play the simulation mode, only the arcade one. Hell, even I probably wouldn't like the arcade mode much. Simulation is going to be a whole different game if its as authentic as they say it is.

nicotlsefr 06-30-2009 09:57 PM

Positive review from a french site :
Very positive, 16 people in MP, 42 missions...

Nike-it 07-02-2009 06:48 AM

Preview from Gaming Excellence.

jt_medina 07-02-2009 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Nike-it (Post 81606)

Taken from your link.


As a flight enthusiast, I’ve played almost every (decent) flight game to date; from Microsoft’s Flight Simulator and Combat Flight Simulator series, X-Plane, and IL-2, to more arcade-rooted flight games like Crimson Skies and Attack on Pearl Harbour. After spending some time with this one, my initial impressions can be summarized down into one sentence. Birds of Prey is going to be a superb combat flight simulation.

As such, the game will offer up two gameplay modes, simulation and arcade, allowing players from either side of the fence to partake in the action without the level of frustration often reserved from the simulation side of things.

Simulation mode places a particular emphasis on aircraft operation, flaps, rudders, trim, and everything in between. In a combat situation, there’s more then one concern, obviously not being shot down is a plus, but you also have to be aware of your own aircraft, as a violent spin or stall can be devastating. Damage also plays a critical role in your ability to remain airborne, Birds of Prey offers up a realistic damage model, both visually and physically. So while your bullet ridden engine may still be able to generate thrust, those holes in the wings are really disrupting the airflow and affecting the stability of the aircraft. One of the questions I posed to the developer was the dangers of flying debris. To my surprise, even debris from another aircraft can cause damage. If you get too close to an enemy as it bursts into a flaming pile of wreckage, you could find yourself plummeting to Earth alongside.

Visually, Birds of Prey is looking incredibly sharp. The amount of ground detail is superb, especially when flying over densely populated villages and towns. The clouds feel natural, and aircraft models carry a high attention to detail. The highlight though, really has to be the explosive results of a few well placed shots. Smoking debris trails fill the sky as pieces of an aircraft fall back to Earth, and damage is clearly visible after taking a few shots. Whether it’s an engine fire or bullet ridden wings, its obvious when you’re in trouble. And to top it off, the engine will support over one-hundred aircraft on screen at once; hopefully the performance isn’t impacted too much by the large amount of on-screen action. As it stands IL-2: Sturmovik: Birds of Pray is visually stunning, we’re really looking forward to seeing the final results.

In terms of single player, the game will offer up a pair of modes, instant action and a campaign that will take you through some of the notable battles of World War II, from the bombing raids in Berlin, to the Battle of Britain. In multiplayer, the game will offer four modes of play, Dogfight, Team Dogfight, Control Airfields, and an Attack and Defend mode where you co-ordinate a team to attack the enemy’s key targets, while defending your own. Players can expect the usual assortment of World War II era heavy bombers, battle planes, and strike fighters.

IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey is really trying to push the boundaries of a flight simulation, while incorporating an arcade mode accessible to anyone. As the series has traditionally been rooted on the PC, it’ll be very interesting to see the final product on the consoles. For fans of the original, or the flight genre in general, keep an eye on Birds of Prey as it readies for release sometime next year.
This is the best publicity that this sim can have. The best preview I have seen to date.

Spitfire23 07-02-2009 02:50 PM

That preview has me even more excited for this game IF AT ALL POSSIBLE!

its truly great to see a proper preview on this, really showing off what the game can do

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