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zauii 05-06-2009 03:14 AM

RoF Beta Reviews
More and more impressions of the beta starts popping up so everyone with an interest in ww1 and combat aviation should defiantly check out Rise of Flight and the impact it's made on the community. Defiantly worth gearing up with Track IR and a new Stick if you haven't yet :)

I've come across 3 reviews so far and here's one of them (the NDA will lift shortly):

Looking very positive and it seems like we'll have a next-gen quality simulation at our hands within a month 8-)

zapatista 05-10-2009 08:53 AM

i looked at several of the main flightsim forums this WE for some initial impressions of RoF buyers and could see nothing but problems and complaints so far (english and french forums).

most people didnt succeed in downloading it, seems RoF chose the release WE to update their website and it wasnt working right. only one was posting feedback of the actual game and he was having loads of crashes and lockups, and had major problems connecting to the online system and find others to fly with.

so far looks like a very amateurish release method of a game that wasnt properly beta tested to resolve bugs, doesnt bode well afaics

for a new forum member who only seems to be making post promoting RoF you maybe have another agenda ? ;)

edit: seems the one person who actually installed it and was trying to us it is a russian, hard to tell if that means he is a legitimate buyer who bought it in a store or online

zauii 05-10-2009 03:06 PM

No offense but i am not interested in your whining , I've seen enough of it in the other thread already and i am rather sick of people which think they know everything, so keep it out of here. All games have problems, nothing is perfect as i mentioned to you in the other thread. If you'd been with the il2 community from the beginning you'd know that very well, it was far from the perfect game that it eventually became.

2 Flyables is fine by me and so is it by many others, not you're problem to worry about..
Quantity doesn't equal Quality.

// zauii

JG52Uther 05-12-2009 04:17 PM

Over at SimHQ, GR.Viper has summarized his experience as follows:

"+ Flight modeling
+ Graphics
+ Sound (engine, wind, gunfire)
+ AI uses same FM as player

- GUI (unfriendly, inconvenient)
- AI (mostly sharpshooter idiot)
- SP (campaigns are primitive, few single missions, no historical flights)
- MP (only official server runs 5v5 mission. no dogfight mode yet)
- Empty-ish game world (no ka-boom on the front like in OFF, no random flak like in FE, no AA MG like in RB)
- Very few planes
- No extensive manual on mission editor or N.17. Only basic instructions for the other two planes.
- AI uses same FM as player so FM calculations for about a dozen of planes can cause severe fps drop"
My opinion:Hope theres some free patches coming before it gets to the west or it will bomb.

zapatista 05-13-2009 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by zauii (Post 75763)
No offense but i am not interested in your whining , I've seen enough of it in the other thread already and i am rather sick of people which think they know everything, so keep it out of here. All games have problems, nothing is perfect as i mentioned to you in the other thread. If you'd been with the il2 community from the beginning you'd know that very well, it was far from the perfect game that it eventually became.

2 Flyables is fine by me and so is it by many others, not you're problem to worry about..
Quantity doesn't equal Quality.

// zauii

adding no offense and then being rude doesnt really cut it

for you to now turn up in an established flightsim forum as a new member, and then make only lots of fanboy type posts about a completely different new flightsim is also a bit odd and suspect to say the least

and in case you are genuinely interested in a ww-1 sim as a normal customer, you have to be deaf dumb and blind to not see multiple problems with RoF

aside from the predictable issues that you are renting a game and not buying it, that you have to keep buying planes to be competitive online and cant play it offline at all, etc.... going by the current reports from the initial russian customers there are so many problems with it you are at this stage paying to be a beta tester rather then getting a finished product.

for a sim that claims it is going to be online only, its a joke to only offer 5-v-5 online play at release time. sounds like they have major problems with their online play network coding, in addition to all the other issues we have heard about so far.

JG52Uther 05-13-2009 10:09 AM

You'll find Zap that 90% of the RoF apologists have suddenly disappeared. ;)

Take it from someone who was accused of being a troll on a.n.other forum for daring to question how great RoF is in its current form.Even the fanboi's are struggling with this one.

zauii 05-13-2009 02:51 PM

Seriously, whats the dudes issue, does nothing but whine?

Whatever you say Zap i didn't even bother finish reading because it's so ignorant of you to keep harassing people and destroying threads even tho they ask you not to. Come back when you've tried the product with some concrete facts and you'll might be taken seriously, until then keep it clean.

zapatista 05-15-2009 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by zauii (Post 76188)
Seriously, whats the dudes issue, does nothing but whine?
(Zapatista)Whatever you say Zap i didn't even bother finish reading because it's so ignorant of you to keep harassing people and destroying threads even tho they ask you not to.

you poor thing, cant cope with other people in this universe having a different opinion ? need to have a little tantrum and make some childish remarks, oks maybe take a few minutes to have a little cry and catch your breath !

now put your toys away for a moment and focus, ........ ready ?


Originally Posted by zauii (Post 76188)
Come back when you've tried the product with some concrete facts and you'll might be taken seriously, until then keep it clean.

see, you havnt tried the game yourself lol, can you spot your flaw or you need to call a friend to have it explained to you ?

your just speculating and creating some idealized idea's about how it is going to be and what it COULD be, but you cant seem to cope with experienced flightsimmers pointing to some major flaws that have been identified by beta testers and reported by early russian customers so far.

now just make sure that in your posts you continue to avoid all rational thought and make sure you dont include any discussion of the problems identified in RoF so far, then you can continue to pretend only you know what is happening with RoF and everything is perfect.

zapatista 05-15-2009 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by JG52Uther (Post 76013)
Over at SimHQ, GR.Viper has summarized his experience as follows:

"+ Flight modeling
+ Graphics
+ Sound (engine, wind, gunfire)
+ AI uses same FM as player

- GUI (unfriendly, inconvenient)
- AI (mostly sharpshooter idiot)
- SP (campaigns are primitive, few single missions, no historical flights)
- MP (only official server runs 5v5 mission. no dogfight mode yet)
- Empty-ish game world (no ka-boom on the front like in OFF, no random flak like in FE, no AA MG like in RB)
- Very few planes
- No extensive manual on mission editor or N.17. Only basic instructions for the other two planes.
- AI uses same FM as player so FM calculations for about a dozen of planes can cause severe fps drop"

see thats a summary from somebody who actually bought it and used it, worth a closer look

the most idiotic decision they made is to exclude offline players, which by official il2 polls have been shown to be 90% of all their flightsim customers. the flightsim market is already very small, why deliberately exclude 90% of them from the start ? no wonder they have to come up with a scheme where they want to extract another 50$ for extra planes and sceneries each month.

virre89 05-16-2009 09:19 PM

Just take a good look in the mirror at yourself zap.
If you're not the biggest crybaby here then i don't know what.

The point is that you can't accept people pointing out good stuff about ROF and actually wanting to buy it.
Just because you don't doesn't mean everyone hates it or all IL2 fans hates it, you're simply one of a kind here whining first of all.

It's not about different opinions , its about you leaving people alone , you've already stated your opinion in 3+ threads yet you've to do it over again as soon as a new RoF one pops up.. why? Even when people asks you beforehand not to destroy the threads you do it.

We will buy it, and we'll be just fine without you <3

I am surprised you haven't gone all berserk at SIMHQ but i'd guess you'd get owned really fast.
Yes i know you've conspiracy theorys about simhq watever <3<3<3<3

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