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mcolton 01-21-2013 11:12 PM

Game Too Hard/Easy
I started a new game (AP) being a mage and playing normal mode. When I got to Scarlet Wind and Bolo, EVERY army was invincible. I was at level 6 and there was nothing I could do to continue (I've read all the hints).

So I started a new game; again a mage at easy level. Now I get to Scarlet Wind and almost every army I see runs away from me. The few battles I do have, I don't even need an army. I just use magic and wipe them out in 2 or 3rounds.

Neither game is fun. Is there something I can do to fix this.
Thanks for any help

Razorflame 06-10-2013 11:38 PM

maybe show a bit more dedication?

on easy the first 4 islands are very easy i think
and later on armies will start fighting instead of running

but honestly i don't know since i've never played on easy

I think you should read the tips better because normal and easy mode are ridicoulously easy
(play on impossible and u will see why:)

But here's a simple tip

try do STEAL all Leadershipflags from debir and items cash runes w/e but most importantly GET the map to SCARLET

as soon as u have done that go to scarlett

repeat step one from debir
and BUY ALL archimages they are garantueed at the mage tower

keep some in reserve so u don't have to go back later on
split the archimages as much as u can
4x1 or 3x1 depends on how much ldrship u have

also visit the tent u can ru around the guarding boss

to see if there are paladins if there are BUY
if not just leave it

now go back to debir
use 1 stack of inqisitors!

and prolong EVERY battle u can to 10th round
even know u win easy
just make sure EVERY MAGE has SPAMMED his magic shield everytime doesn't matter what unit!

with this u get a medal for extra bonus resistance to all damage % which is handy

at the end of this u should get at least level 2 from all the fights u can do there

NONE of the normal creatures should be able to kill any of your units
and with some luck u can KILL all heroes too even in the castle

cause the more u KILL the easier it gets later on


ncknck 06-11-2013 02:25 PM

Archmages are not guaranteed on Debir. Best tip would be to play a warrior. Mage is a weak class.

Razorflame 06-11-2013 04:01 PM

Maybe you should read better :-)
i never said archmages were on debir

and mage is not a weak class

it's the easiest class to get no loss with
since u can dual spamm spells

ncknck 06-11-2013 06:15 PM

A warrior is a better caster too, because the ability to spam spells is limited by mana amount, and a warrior generates more mana with his higher rage inflow and mana accelerator. The only way a mage would come close to a warrior is if he gets a perfect gear set, using cheat utilities. Pretty difficult to reach no-loss if there is no phantom spell in the game.

Razorflame 06-14-2013 08:19 PM


mage>warrior in spells

it's true warrior only needs supporting spells something any class could do

but with super high intellect your army gets vaporsied by some geyser/firestorm or even DOT damage.

boost your intellect to +60 and see how strong a mage is :)
it will get ridicoulously easy
esp with the droid combo since u don't have to worry about losses

or paladin/phantom

and getting full mana everybattle isn't really a big deal it quite easy imho

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