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ReadyMan 04-20-2012 06:04 PM

reboot worth buying and playing?
I played SR2 about a year after it was released. Terrific game! Actually, one of my 10 favorite of all time (started playing with pong in the 70s).

With the new SR coming out, is there enough content in reboot to make it worth playing through, or would it be best to just wait for the new expansion?

As I understand it, the new expansion is the original SR2 with reboot and the russian expansion, and more content in addition.

Thanks for any input!


ReadyMan 04-22-2012 01:12 AM

anyone have an opinion?

DRNewcomb 04-22-2012 02:33 AM

I paid a total of about $3.90 for Reboot. So, I'll say it was worth the price. There are some changes I like and some I don't like. The major improvements are the addition of a number of new missions, new ships and equipment and some tweaks. The tweaks include things like getting interest on funds deposited at business centers and being able to assist in the development of various bases. Some of the things I don't like include plugging some of my favorite tricks. Such as, you can no longer get that great little Singular engine out of the IPX.... robot in the training mission. For me, Reboot seems to play very slowly for a number of game-years after which it picks up.

Puce Moose 04-22-2012 04:33 AM

I think Reboot adds a lot of neat new stuff, but at this point I'm waiting for HD to play through it again. Generally Reboot's ship equipment seemed a bit overpowered to me; ships with all open slots at a rather cheap cost, excessively powerful droids/etc., making anything *not* orange (the color of most/all reboot items) generally inferior. I think it would have been more interesting if some of the more useful additions had been balanced by a negative trait (the crazy +200 speed hulls also getting -10% shield strength or similar).
I loved the asteroid additions/new RTS/text adventures/etc.

Tryan 04-22-2012 07:14 AM

As the dates for HD has not been firmed up, Reboot is a good temporary solution to the more SR2 bug if you have this. It provided me with more than enough content to have bought it at full price and its now frequently on sale, which should make the decision much easier for you.

DRNewcomb 04-22-2012 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Puce Moose (Post 413058)
I loved the asteroid additions/new RTS/text adventures/etc.

@ReadyMan: The "asteroid additions" he's talking about are if you shoot an asteroid you may get paid by a planet it was going to pass close to or you may get cussed out for destroying either a spy satellite or scientific experiment. I think the second one reduces your reputation on that planet. When this happens I generally reload to the last save and let that one go.

ReadyMan 04-22-2012 06:13 PM

Thank you for the replies!

Yes, I'm wondering about content's $9.99 on steam right now, and I have the original SR2.
Since it'll all be in the new version, I'm vacillating back and forth.

I appreciate the help!

modo 04-23-2012 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by DRNewcomb (Post 413145)
@ReadyMan: I think the second one reduces your reputation on that planet.

It doesn't, I've tested that and never had a problem even on the highest difficulty levels. But they do pay you so shoot away, early game it's even more profitable than trading.

ReadyMan 05-01-2012 03:27 AM

After playing it for a week or so, I wonder why I ever doubted buying it and playing it!
Worth it completely!
It's sucked me back in all over again. The extra features are well done. Very enjoyable.

Certainly in the top10 games of all time.

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