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1.JaVA_Sharp 12-23-2007 01:55 PM

combat story thread
since we have an Il2 screenies thread, I figure it won't hurt to have another art form present here as well. The combat story.

To start things off:

In the scope of things then, I was just a cog in the machine, a pilot stationed at one of the airfields near Moscow. My name doesn't much matter, but for the sake this you may call me Yevgeni.

I had just come down from the front to instruct our new pilots on one of those new aircraft we were receiving from the Capitalists as aid in our struggle against the facists. This one, the one I would be flying, was one they called a Hurricane IIC.

my tale began just after dinner by the approach of our Zampolit, Pjotr Aleksovich, who instructed me to get my behind to the regimental commanders office.

It surprised me to find two others with him. Also in uniform, sporting symbols I soon recognized as belonging to the NKVD. I came to the best attention posture I could.

" At ease, Yevgeni."

" I'm not really happy about this, but I'm going to have to lend you out to these two 'gentlemen' for a mission." With that he gathered up his papers and left his desk.

One of the two officers also headed for the door while the other unfolded a map.

" The mission is rather simple. Every night for the last two weeks a German bomber has made a run towards Moskow. It hasn't bombed anything in the city, yet. There have been no reports of sabotage in the city either, but we're not waiting for it to happen. The bomber tends to fly this course."

I looked at the map and wondered why I hadn't heard her myself. Only then I remembered that I spend most of the nighttime in Moscow myself.

I looked at the two officers " alright, but once I find her, I can't guarantee you'll have anything left to work with. The 20mm cannons on that Hurricane will eat a Fascist alive."

The two looked at each other " We can only hope they choose differently when that happens."

so later that night I found myself airborne in my own Hurricane, in the moonlight skies of mother Russia, looking for a single fascist Heinkel bomber.

Call it luck, but it was a full moon light, And after about fifteen minutes of uselessy looking at the sky, the ground and everything in between I finally found them.

A single fascist bomber which soon grew into the silhouette of a Heinkel 111 as I turned towards it.

I veered off at the last moment, neglecting even to fire. I felt to unsure about wheter or not I'd get results.

Responding more easily them My I16 had ever done, I felt the Hurricane climb before I began to bank around. The bomber was still on course. I watched it growing in the gunsight until I finally had enough and pressed the fire button.

the plane shuddered as return hit it and the four cannons fired at the same time. I watched a piece of the elevator fell fall away from the Heinkel.

Without realising anything else I found myself nearly on top of the Heinkel, and out of ammo.

I banked hard and pushed the throttle wide open, hoping to get out of range from the gunners before they would really hit me.

I made full circle, beginning to look for the Heinkel again. But at the place I was expecting it I only saw light, light of a fire. And near the edge of the fire......

Landing went without difficulty, as did the filing of my report.

Two weeks later I was again summoned to the commanders office. The two NKVD officers were there again.

" Congratulations Yevgeni. Although we hoped for the possibillity of survivours, it would seem there are none."

Witht that said they left the commanders office as silently as they had come. The commander looked at me " Back to work, we still have a war to win."

PBNA-Boosher 12-23-2007 06:37 PM

We had a big one of these on UBI, 6 pages.

1.JaVA_Sharp 12-23-2007 08:31 PM

yeah I know boosher, but with the screenshots also here I figure this could be a nice addition to it.

JG52Uther 12-23-2007 09:31 PM

Boosher doesn't want threads here.

PBNA-Boosher 12-23-2007 10:20 PM

I'm sorry, I didn't realize my addition to this thread meant I didn't want it here. As far as I'm concerned, text is generally neutral of tone, so I don't understand how you perceived it as an attack on the thread.

All I was trying to do was link to a few more stories. Uther, my comments to you in the Lend Lease thread have been nothing but polite suggestions, and if you took them any other way I apologize, but they should have no hold on this.

LW_lcarp 12-24-2007 01:38 PM

Have to agree with Uther on this one too Boosher. Dont be ragging about other people posting informational threads and then turn around and post your own and playing down your role in telling others to start there own web site to post threads like that. Its Hypocritical.

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