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*Buzzsaw* 03-25-2011 07:26 PM

Why two versions of the game?

Once again, I am a big supporter of this game, I WILL be buying it, but wondering at the events of late.

It seems the Russian audience is going to get the game with the E-filter removed, wondering why we in the West are going to have to suffer with the E-filter?

My understanding is on other UBISOFT games, these types of filters were optional, why not for CLIFFS OF DOVER?

Here are comments by Luthier from Russian forums. (google translation)


Originally posted by Luthier:

Dear friends,

Thank you for your support. Please accept my personal apologies for the problems when you start the game. We worked in full all hands on deck for a long time, last month was even more hectic, and we had a little to the final cleaning of the product.

This is what the team will work in the coming days:

1. Anti-epilepsy will once and forever banished from the Russian version of the game. This adds up to 10 fps on older machines. You now can manually disable the filter - the instructions were given repeatedly.

2. We have already discovered the cause of micro-Friesians at low altitudes. Repairs should take a small enough amount of time.

3. We continue to optimize the game. Our chief programmer - the optimizer is sick the third day, but it does have a concrete plan of work, which again is in a fairly short period of time will improve the framerate. Wonders of course we do not promise, but the flight over the landscape will be dramatically different than the flights have to water.

4. Texts are checked korerktorom. Kreditsy already cleaned out.

5. The remaining issue for us at least a high priority. We hope to release a patch that improves the frame rate and the ruling texts next week (it will automatically take stim) and then in a free mode to address other issues, to improve the game, adding planes and m e.

Ploughman 03-25-2011 07:28 PM

I do hope that the manual deactivation is available on the int'l version as of the 31st.

Biggs 03-25-2011 07:44 PM

Buzz if you read on the next few pages on the russian forum...


Originally Posted by Luthier
Фильтр решает большое количество разных вспышек. Менять и проверять их каждую по отдельности - работа на долгие недели, а то и месяцы.

Убрать фильтр на западной версии сможем только тогда, когда в индивидуальном порядке поправим все вспышки, и нужда в фильтре отпадет.

"Filter solves the large number of different outbreaks. Change and check them one by one - work for many weeks and even months.

Remove the filter on the western version can only when individually fixed all flash and no longer need the filter."

they WILL remove the filter for the rest of us.... they just havent finished it yet...

Novfanaion 03-25-2011 07:46 PM

Precisely. The filter is only temporary, so they can release it on time without hassle from Ubi. They're going to remove it when the fixes are made.

*Buzzsaw* 03-25-2011 08:04 PM


Temporary, how long is that going to be?

According to Luthier, could be months.

I say there should be an option to disable the filter.

It should be default 'on', but player should be able to disable if they prefer.

Biggs 03-25-2011 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by *Buzzsaw* (Post 240081)

Temporary, how long is that going to be?

According to Luthier, could be months.

I say there should be an option to disable the filter.

It should be default 'on', but player should be able to disable if they prefer.

bottom line is they are going to get rid of it....

as US/CAN customers with the April 19 release we may yet be untouched by this filter issue...

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