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Flying Pencil 09-25-2010 09:57 PM

What is wrong with this picture?
This is for Oleg and Team to decide what to do with it.
(SoW is still leaps and bounds ahead of other sims I have seen, well done!)

It's not nitpicking, its making a game/simulation good enough to last decades, not just years, and be THE standard for flight sim!
(I really do not like Mickysoft Flight Sim / CFM)

In last weeks update this image was posted:

This is the errors:
1. The oil cooler scoop, the red circle in above picture, is attached to the engine mount, not the airframe. See the cross section below. I have other images to confirm this mounting.

2. Propellers missing. Do17 use aluminum made VDM propellers.

3. Engine burning. Yes, a lot will argue about it, but there is simply no fuel for it to burn!
It WILL smoke like a pot house.

4. Missing control surfaces as "damage" (big gripe). I have looked at hundreds of war damaged aircraft, and it is extremely rare to ever seen a completely detached control surface. Most of time the surface will be in tatters or burned away, but part of is still holding on by the hinge!
(It is a simple, expedient way in games to show damage, but with the technology we have now, it should be eradicated).

5. It is hard to tell in the screen-shot, but I believe the bomb bay doors are mis-modeled (yeah, this one means nothing to an AI plane, but will when its player controlled!).

I know this is not high priority, but serious gamers do want the details done right. :)

Sven 09-25-2010 10:08 PM

to start off, I like the way you post the errors.

About the doors being mis-modelled, I dont think that's true, I think actually what we are seeing here is an aspect of the damage model, hence why only 1 door seems to be loose, pretty neat detail I say!

Flying Pencil 09-25-2010 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Sven (Post 184692)
to start off, I like the way you post the errors.

About the doors being mis-modelled, I dont think that's true, I think actually what we are seeing here is an aspect of the damage model, hence why only 1 door seems to be loose, pretty neat detail I say!

It's not the damage state, but the doors themselves.
With out a really close shot of the doors, it is difficult to see if they are incorrect, and show why.

Sven 09-25-2010 11:17 PM

I found a picture ( may not be the best one) where I think the bomb bay consists of 2 separate bomb storages, and both have 2 doors, behind each other.

Correct me if you see different, also, I dont know if this is to be found on all Do17's.

PS: I'm looking for an old Do-17 scale model I once build.

KnightFandragon 09-25-2010 11:29 PM

Lolz, incorrect damage model or not that is still +1 kill for the RAF +D I will hopefully add to that kill count at some point...muwhahahaha.

Flying Pencil 09-25-2010 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by Sven (Post 184703)
I found a picture ( may not be the best one) where I think the bomb bay consists of 2 separate bomb storages, and both have 2 doors, behind each other.

Correct me if you see different, also, I dont know if this is to be found on all Do17's.

PS: I'm looking for an old Do-17 scale model I once build.

You are correct, they are split doors, fore/aft.
They are also not hinged on edge, but retract into the bay partly.

In your photo, the froward bay probably has a fuel tank, thus only the aft is open.

BTW, Great find!

Blackdog_kt 09-26-2010 12:27 AM

I can't really offer any insightful comments on the topic at hand, but i want to say one thing.

This is the appropriate way to post requests and point out errors for future correction. Be polite, don't troll and have some references handy to back up your claims. Well done Frantishek, i think you should be in the beta testing team ;)

Rodolphe 09-26-2010 04:39 AM



Sven 09-26-2010 04:53 PM

In the last picture you posted, it seems like there is just 1 big bomb door, strange, maybe there were different versions of Do/17 doors.

I think this needs further investigation.

winny 09-26-2010 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Sven (Post 184857)
In the last picture you posted, it seems like there is just 1 big bomb door, strange, maybe there were different versions of Do/17 doors.

I think this needs further investigation.

There are 2 doors in that pic.. It's just that you can't really see them coz of the quality.

Where the 2 brackets are (just above the guy on the lefts head) is where the join is.

Easier to see here..

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