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major_setback 09-23-2010 08:40 PM

We already had our BoB.
We already had the SoW:BoB clouds as a free addition to FB.
We already got the new SoW:BoB flight model, also as a free download for FB.

We can await some new terrain...and some sheep.
I think maybe we are expecting too much.

(OK....we'll maybe get new weather, roads, public baths, aqueducts, sanitation, irrigation, health care etc. too)

MD_Titus 09-24-2010 05:01 PM

and new lighting effects, higher poly crew and aircraft models, higher fidelity damage model, higher quality landscape geometry, better effects.... better everything basically. with spades.

and grass.

we may have had a taster of the fm, but i doubt the il2 engine was up to delivering everything that SoW will do.

DD_crash 09-24-2010 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by major_setback (Post 184024)
(OK....we'll maybe get new weather, roads, public baths, aqueducts, sanitation, irrigation, health care etc. too)

Dont forget the wine :)

Romanator21 09-24-2010 07:48 PM

It's been years since that FM came out. Remember that since then SoW Mk.1 (deep mod of IL-2) was scrapped and re-worked from scratch to give us what we have now, Sow Mk.2.

Luthier has said that he had to relearn how to fly and shoot with newest FM.

Just look at the difference:

Voyager 09-25-2010 04:33 PM

I'm fairly confident we don't have the SoW flight model, just because FB still has some of the Sturmovik design choices in it. I forget the exact altitude this starts at, but in Il-2, once you get high enough, you discover that the position bit accuracy isn't quite high enough to keep all the parts flying in formation to a sub-pixel accuracy. Your plane starts aliasing noticeably.

I don't know how they've I'm assuming they selected a relatively low bit precision for positions, with the origin being the surface of the center of the map, and the altitude axis being a small floating point. A lower bit precision for part location makes sense when most of the aircraft fly close to the origin. It keeps the data size compact, offers high effective resolution at low altitudes, yet has the flexibility to handle extremely high altitudes, albeit at the expense of accuracy. It is an elegant compromise, but it isn't one you would make if the player aircraft are going to be the ones operating at those altitudes.

The Il-2 flight engine was originally designed to handle the Il-2 Sturmovik. Many of its fundamental assumptions are based on the player aircraft being low altitude, and fairly slow, and past a certain point, there is very little one can do to change those assumptions, without redesigning from the ground up, even with all of the patches and stop-gap measures that the Maddox team has implemented over the years.

My understanding of the SoW engine is that it is starting off with an entirely different set of assumptions and goals than the Il-2 engine did, in order to handle the scale that the Moddox Games flight sim franchise has reached. Considering what they did with the Il-2 engine ten years ago, I can hardly wait to see what they're doing this time.

Harry Voyager

Flanker35M 09-25-2010 04:45 PM


Nice Tempest H.Voyager ;) Even not the earthly one but Minmatar :P To the topic..I think IL-2 had some elements from SoW tested and incorporated to IL2 but SoW itself will be more complicated as it is new code.

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