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Skyeraven 09-07-2010 10:35 PM

Need help on SW 1
in the mission were u have turn over the starhammer to the corporations. no mater what i say they jump me and i have to fight a never ending wave of corporate ships till i exhausted every skill and missile i have and is finally over whelmed. i tried running back to a portal but the game wont make me jump. what am i suppose to do here?

Trucidation 09-08-2010 02:07 AM

iirc that's the final battle of the corporation path. You can't flee, and after a while the enemy will hack the Starhammer from your control and bring it to the north portal - where you will lose if it reaches there and escapes.

When the mission starts, proceed normally to the rendezvous point in the middle of the map. Once the shooting starts, immediately head southwards near the portal there. The Starhammer should follow you. All this while you'll be getting shot at and reinforcements will keep drifting from the corporation bases. If you pace yourself well though, you should have a little breathing room in between the assault waves because the enemy will normally head towards your last position. At this point try not to use up all your skills. Particularly, save any shield polarisation skills you have.

By the time you reach the bottom of the map you'll get a short scene where another enemy appears (not gonna spoil it for you unless you want me to). You'll soon lose control of the Starhammer, so trace your steps back northwards to the middle of the map. With luck you'll engage the separate wings of enemies there separately instead of all in one go. Once the first 2-4 waves have been disposed of the Starhammer will probably reach the middle of the map already so you've only got a little time left. Fortunately there should only be 1-2 more enemy wings plus the main bad guy. Throw everything including your brother and the kitchen sink at it. Win. Gloat, head towards a portal to exit. Savour the cutscene.

Skyeraven 09-08-2010 02:53 AM

thanks man it works

mk_sky 09-09-2010 05:21 PM


to the north portal? ... fail

when i was playing sw1 (maybe it was a bug to that what you mean) after a long time of killing (that was am massacre but no fight from me XD) coorp-forces el come with a superchimera and hacked the starhammer and the game was over, i had no chance to mak it other. but after i knew that she came from the south portal i wait for her ther and attacked her before she hacked the starhammer. was that a bug or what the haell was wrong? is ther anyone wich has the sam?

greetz sky

Trucidation 09-10-2010 09:38 AM

I said - and I quote myself - "head southwards" and "reach the bottom of the map". It can't be the north portal obviously because you frickin' ARRIVED through that portal. It worked for me, it worked for a whole bunch of players when I posted this at GameFAQs a long time ago, and it worked for Skyeraven. The reason you failed is because you didn't read properly.

Jumping the corporate stations before making contact or any other fruity stuff - we tried all kinds of strategies for this map - doesn't work. In fact you're quite liable to break the script. I even managed to get El to appear once and she didn't attack or even trigger any dialog, just sat there and let me blow her to pieces. The only way of finishing this map properly is to survive the corporate battles until El appears and speaks, then destroy her before she leads the the Starhammer out. Whether you stay at the middle and Rambo it out - some players have done it - or like I said, lead the Starhammer southwards because 1) it gives you a little break time between fights and 2) anything that gets the Starhammer further from the portal you came in through buys you more time.

The script has always been a weak point of the Star Wolves games even though it's also a very flexible system.

Wakko 09-22-2010 07:48 PM

Hi Folks.....!

At the end of Star Wolves game (being allied corporations), what I did:

1. I backed the portal to leave the grid map.
2. I destroyed the four fighters of Corporations.
3. Scroll to the middle point of meeting, but sent at the end of a game well equipped (Trident), there, you realize that there are 2 squadrons of fighters.
4. Send it to your mothership to the assembly, but keep close to Ace and Hero, because they will be the ones to repel the attack of the 4 other fighters that you go your way.
5. While the previous 2 squadrons are measured against Astra, Phantom and Corsair. Remember that your enemies should follow a single game, while others destroy the Cleaner first.
6. Once destroyed, the 4 fighters corporate power (1 Gunslinger, 2 Evil Eye and Tiger), let alone to the mothership and send your Hero to Inoco Station and Ace to Triod Station (just until they leave radar spectrum of the mothership).
7. Once destroyed the previous 2 squadrons of enemy fighters, returning quickly Astra, Phantom and Corsair near the mothership. When detected enemy Hero or Ace, is closer to your mother ship to help you past your players.
8. At least endure 2 Gunslinger, 1 Tiger and 2 squadrons of the Inoco, 1 Tiger, 2 Evil Eye and 2 squadrons of the USS, finally, 1 Gunslinger, 2 Tiger and 2 squadrons of the Triod.
9. When almost finished the punishment, let your players themselves, and send to your mothership to the bottom of the map (the StarHammer follow the Star Wolf), to give you more reaction time.
10. All of your players away from Super Chimena, and leaves only the fighter who was well equipped (Trident). The 2 fighter squadrons Berserks continue to hunt you left behind.
11. Just try to survive on Astra, Ace and Hero Wyvern clones. Do not forget that you quickly upload your mothership, but do not get the scope of IA Super Chimenas, just helps your players.
12. Finally, it may as berserk fighter, going after one of your fighters, so you have more time to take the equipment left behind by destroyed enemies.

I hope these tips can help them because I always used and never failed me.

mk_sky 09-28-2010 03:49 PM

i think it would help us more when it's in english :-?

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