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ckdamascus 03-29-2010 08:05 PM

Buying Runes -- Cost Prohibitive
Wow, I thought having 2 million in the bank would mean I could easily run up the might tree if I needed to. I mean, heck, at 100K a pop, no problem. 20 might runes, here we go.

That is, until you actually try to buy them. They raise the price quite a bit in between each rune purchase, and I can only seem to buy one at a time?!?

So, from 100K, to 150K, to 200K, I go broke pretty fast and get so few runes that I really wish I went for the +10 runes for winning 50 battles banner instead of assuming I could buy out the runes.

Everyone else seems to talk about 4 million like it is a lot of money in the game. It is great for maybe a handful of runes and buying spells + items easily. However, it really doesn't seem like a lot for really getting a LOT of runes.

Did they change this in a patch? I sort of wish I knew this sooner.

KongMysen 03-30-2010 07:57 AM

It's a balanced price imo. warriors aren't supposed to master all spells and vice versa.

I think I spend around 4 million last game on all types of runes. It wasn't a massive boost, but it did however help me to get frenzy and adrenaline tol lvl 3, which were alot of help during the last Solo Black Knights battles.

What isn't balanced is the fact that you have almost no gold at all early game, but once you get some better troops and level up a bit, you can fairly easy win with no loss or close to no losses. Gold just keep building up from then, which is a sign of difficulty dropping.

ckdamascus 03-30-2010 11:58 AM

Yeah, I agree it is balanced, but it is sort of a big shocker when you try to plan for it.

The way others made it sound like, made it sound like they could get a lot of runes more easily. Seems like only another 15 runes?

But yeah, thanks for the confirmation.

Zechnophobe 03-30-2010 06:44 PM

'only'? 15 runes Is 2 levels worth of runes. I use this, (And the rune change) a fair amount at the end of the game to get the better skills. There are simply so many worthless skills that I almost always find myself trying to only get the best ones.

Metathron 03-30-2010 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Zechnophobe (Post 152321)
'only'? 15 runes Is 2 levels worth of runes.

I would even say it's closer to 3/4/5 levels' worth of runes, since that late into the game you are most likely to be buying runes not native to your class.

In a way I'm glad you can't buy a 'huge' amount of runes because then every game would end up with the same skill set, i.e. (almost) all of them.

Zechnophobe 03-31-2010 12:16 AM

You bring up a good point. You will get enough 'primary' runes to fill your primary tree to the max, and most/all of the other trees as well. So being able to get 8 magic and 7 mind runes is many levels worth of them indeed, for a warrior.

And yes, if it was much cheaper, most games would end with the player using the same skills (even more so than already is ;) ).

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