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Metathron 02-06-2010 09:41 PM

Favourite & Least favourite places in the game
I was comparing TL to AP the other day, and while I could list numerous advantages AP has over TL, I could not judge in favour of AP when it came to land design, or however we should call it. That is, I think the huge, sprawling continents of TL, made up of many different "chunks", are more imaginative and enjoyable than the (mostly) small islands of AP. Anyone agree with me?

Anyhoo, what are your favourite and least favourite places (=islands) in the game? I wanted to make a poll, but too few options.

My favourite would probably be Verona, because it's made up of many small but different regions, and there are lots of paths and side-paths to tread.

Least favourite: Umkas, boring and uninspired.

What are yours?

Zechnophobe 02-07-2010 07:48 PM

Actually, I think that's exactly what I would answer as well. Verona has a lot going on, and if you sorta count that megalithic bridge to Montero, it ends up being a really cool place. Umkas though only has two shops (one just sells scrolls) is SUPER small, and doesn't really have anything visually interesting on it. It is by far the smallest island. Maybe if they'd had some cool quest to revive, or find the magician from the island? Dunno.

DGDobrev 02-07-2010 08:00 PM

Hmm... My favorite place is Sheterra. I kinda like the red sea and the moving platforms, as well as the fact that you're not allowed to fly there, which puts you pretty much on par with the enemies. Also reminds me of Demonis in KBTL :)

As for the least favorite place... It's more like a battle. Dark Mistikus' battle always gave me the creeps, because the arena is the same as Karador's from KBTL, and that was the most challenging battle of them all, and the most dangerous.

WhYdOyOuThInKtHaThApPeNeD 02-12-2010 11:57 AM

I'd also have to say Verona is a favorite place. Large with winding paths and variety of areas, a really fancy castle in the middle, dark forest, mini side island, huge mysterious bridge.

Though I did like Montero's large underground mines a lot, when I first got there I had higher expectations for the surface. But it was still very nice.

I was hoping to find more on Umkas, I did like it's wild and magical feel but I expected more. Should be a huge underground sprawling cave like the Montero Mines under Umkas with a well hidden passage that connects to one of the other continents.

For some reason I didn't like Uzala, just a kind of flat mud heap with annoying enemies, now that's an uninspired place, my least favorite.

Sheterra was really nice, just should have been bigger like Verona. The whole Ultrax thing was really cool. Loved Ultrax, but it really really should have been a BIG place. Same with the Abyss and Canal under Tekron, very cool places but really really should have been BIG.

The dark gothic feel of Nameless was well done, I really got the ambiance there, again really should have been bigger. Granted I understand how much work it must take to model and design these kind of things.

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