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Zaza 04-03-2009 12:16 PM

Fantasy Wars for 7,99 this weekend on gamersgate!
Yeah, another great weekend-deal at gamersgate! last weekend they had kings bounty for 9,99! this weekend its fantasy wars for 7,99.

i think i will get this one too, but i'm a bit afraid of the round-limit in the campaing-missions. is it really that bad/hard?

Nike-it 04-03-2009 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Zaza (Post 71614)
Yeah, another great weekend-deal at gamersgate! last weekend they had kings bounty for 9,99! this weekend its fantasy wars for 7,99.

i think i will get this one too, but i'm a bit afraid of the round-limit in the campaing-missions. is it really that bad?

Don't be afraid, it's a great game with very good tactical features.

nemesis99 04-03-2009 11:40 PM

It's not that bad to get gold on most missions with the time-limits as long the units are moving forward or fighting each turn. The rewards between Silver and Gold I didn't really find all that significant either. It was either an extra unit or an extra item, but usually after a few missions into a campaign I already had enough units as per the unit cap per mission, and the items were just slight bonuses.

I haven't run out of time in any missions yet, haven't finished the game completely yet though.

At 7.99 though it's probably a good title to check out if you like turn-based strategy games or liked the old Fantasy General from SSI (or the other SSI Panzer General games).

It also lets you see how the upcoming Elven Legacy will play.

NelsMonsterX 04-08-2009 01:50 PM

I bought it from Gamers Gate, but now I can't install the map editor. When I try to run the setup, it says it can't find Fantasy Wars in my games. Has anyone else had this problem? Know how to fix it?

DarrkPhoenix 04-11-2009 02:56 AM

I've been considering getting Fantasy Wars as I enjoyed the demo quite a bit, but in doing my standard due diligence I came across reports of the inclusion of Starforce as well as the game requiring online activation. Can anyone who has the game confirm or deny the inclusion of Starforce or online activation in either the Gamersgate version or the US retail version?

coreyh2 04-12-2009 01:10 AM

US Retail has normal disk check securom. It was released before activation was common place. Gamersgate has whatever DRM gamersgate has normally.

GammaPaladin 06-29-2009 10:15 PM

I got the demo for this yesterday, after a friend told me about Elven Legacy, and I determined that it was a sequel to Fantasy Wars. I thought I'd try Fantasy Wars first, since I figured I could get it cheaper, and I like to start at the beginning.

I like the demo a lot, and thought I'd pick up a copy. I've never bought from the company handling the purchase on the company's website (metaboli), so I thought I'd check other direct download outlets first. It's not available through Steam or Impulse, but it was on GamersGate. I was about to buy it when I noticed that GamersGate listed the DRM on the game as StarForce.

Now, I quite simply will not install anything that uses StarForce, ever. So I won't be buying it from GamersGate.

I considered purchasing it through the link on the main page for the game, but this Metaboli site doesn't specify what the copy protection method for the copy they're distributing is. I don't want to pay $9.99 for something that turns out to have StarForce on it (And end up having to reinstall windows just to be sure it's fully uninstalled...), so I was wondering if anyone knows for certain whether or not the package Metaboli is distributing uses Starforce or not?

If no one knows, I won't risk it, and will probably just buy Elven Legacy instead.

Elwin 06-30-2009 08:16 AM

Well in FW u have 28 missions on EL its 10 + ~5 bonus if u unlock them ( which are damn hard). Dunno which is better, i like interface of EL more but FW is longer

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