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Doktorwzzerd 10-23-2009 03:22 PM

New USAAF Campaign Desperately Needed
So far in BoP the American side of the air war and American aircraft are severely underrepresented, a situation which desperately needs remedying. Also high altitude bomber escort is nowhere in the title so why not kill three birds with one stone? New full, extensive campaign DLC featuring the P-38, B-29, B-24, P-40, later P-51 marks, later P-47 marks etc which documents the USAAF strategic air campaign from 1942-1945. I would propose it also contain a couple of new city maps as well, Hamburg, Munich, Ploesti etc.

You could start in 1943 in one of the early unescorted B-17 missions with heavy losses, thus illustrating the need for fighters. Then do escort duty in a P-38, working your way through the transition to P-47 and P-51 models allowing for deeper raids into Germany, while witnessing the updated German models of 109s and 190s in response, maybe even late in 45 go up against 262s and 163s. The flak would also have to be turned waay up form anything currently seen in the game.

I realize there are other DLC suggestion threads, but I think that the under-representation of the USAAF in BoP demands special notice and urgent rectification. We already have very significant showings from the British and Russian perspective on the war with tons of planes, and missions. So far for the Americans we have 3 campaign missions and 5 planes (two of which are broken)? New and extensive USAAF Strategic Air War DLC is the most natural expansion of BoP!

Tudorp15 10-23-2009 03:33 PM

Good point.. But, I think much of that is because BOP tends to be of a British perspective, not American. May be largely due to the fact that the development is British I think. That is to be expected. If it was from an American developer, I would assume it would be more from the American perspective..

Please do not take this next comment out of context. I am also a proud American, and also a USAF veteran. But, I am also open minded, and tend to have the talent to see other perspectives, and am very aware of our (American) faults. One of them being we are a very arogant culture, and tend to think everything revolves around us. It doesn't. We were a large part of the war, and the victory, but, we were most definitly not the only contribution to that victory.. I like BOP as it is, but also at the same time, would also like to see more American presence.. Maybe in the sequils, assuming there will be a Pacific theater theme, we will see allot of American war birds, and presence..

Just saying..

Tudorp15 10-23-2009 03:45 PM

If I could add to that.. I think it is a very slippery slope to undertake in a game like this. I also know that Asia has a large gaming community. Maybe even larger than North America. If they add a Pacific Theme, how will that sit in the Japanese markets? I am not so sure they want to be a part of the reminder of the scars they still have today from the war. For us, it would be a cool facet of BOP, but other cultures, and perspectives may not embrace it like we, and the other Allies would...

FOZ_1983 10-23-2009 03:59 PM

Lets not forget that their is a US campaign, and that is the battle of bulge. Granted the P51 model is off but then again so is the spitfire in the BoB campaign.

FOZ_1983 10-23-2009 04:01 PM

From what i have played it seems to work out like this on the whole liek this for each faction -

RAF -dogfighting
US - ground attack
RUSSIA -ground attack/dogfight

Granted each faction has a taste of something else, but on the whole they seem to be given the role noted above. Just my observation

xX-SiLeNcE-Xx 10-23-2009 04:04 PM

I'd rather have a German campaign. See the other side of the war for once.

FOZ_1983 10-23-2009 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by xX-SiLeNCE-Xx (Post 113436)
I'd rather have a German campaign. See the other side of the war for once.

EAW (european air war) was good for this, waayyyyy back in the day.

It gave you the choice of the luftwaffe campaign in -

battle of britain 1940
europe 1943
europe 1944

if you started europe in 43, you could carry your stats and squadron over to the 4 campaign. Though prior to starting the campaign as the luftwaffe it clearly said "you cannot win the war" just drag it out a little longer.

I remember it well, taking down bombers (unsure of what until i got close enough to intercept) and they usually had spitfires or P47's escorting them if it was close enough to the english channel, then i remember one game... i went up to interept a formation of B17's, same shit different day. I see the escorts, and expect spits or P47's (preffered P47's they were big and easy) but it turned out to be my first encounter with the P51D.... son of a bitch wiped out practically my entire staffel. I was not happy at all!! On the whole it was a superb and very enjoyable luftwaffe camapign, i would love another authentic campaign similar to this one. :D

Doktorwzzerd 10-23-2009 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Tudorp15 (Post 113418)
Good point.. But, I think much of that is because BOP tends to be of a British perspective, not American. May be largely due to the fact that the development is British I think. That is to be expected. If it was from an American developer, I would assume it would be more from the American perspective..

Please do not take this next comment out of context. I am also a proud American, and also a USAF veteran. But, I am also open minded, and tend to have the talent to see other perspectives, and am very aware of our (American) faults. One of them being we are a very arogant culture, and tend to think everything revolves around us. It doesn't. We were a large part of the war, and the victory, but, we were most definitly not the only contribution to that victory.. I like BOP as it is, but also at the same time, would also like to see more American presence.. Maybe in the sequils, assuming there will be a Pacific theater theme, we will see allot of American war birds, and presence..

Just saying..

Respectfully, I have to disagree with you on a number of counts:

1) BoP was developed by Russians, so if there is any bias it would be Russian and not British.

2) I don't think anything about the existing game has to do with any historical bias or national chauvinism, there's just only so much development time and so the game was focused on the Eastern Front, BoB and Sicily with just a few Bulge missions thrown in for good measure. No big deal, but some USAAF DLC would be really great to balance it out. My OP was not intended as being any plea for nationalistic satisfaction, or complaint of bias, it was meant simply to express an interest in filling in the gaps of the history being portrayed by BoP.

4) I can't see what Asia has to do with anything, this is the ETO and so is focused on the ETO, my point is that having all of the history of the ETO be portrayed would be very nice.

3) All of the above being said, can we please, someday in America, be able to talk about our selves and our history without having to delve into pro forma mea culpas about our supposedly unique cultural arrogance? Puuul-lease, ask a Russian and they will try to tell you that they won WW2 by themselves. Even the *mighty* French will claim it was they alone who liberated Paris. The British will claim that they by themselves were the critical weight in the balance of freedom during the dark years of 1938-1942 (which actually is probably true!) If America suffers from cultural arrogance, it is hardly a unique affliction and certainly not one worthy of incessant self-flagellation. Save the drama for Obama.

4) I agree, a Pacific Theater sequel or DLC would be rad. Also, dare I say it, Korea?

FOZ_1983 10-23-2009 04:21 PM

Korea would have to be a whole new game since its not WW2,

though a pacific campaign could work, yet it would be small (very small) so it would take alot of work to make such a campaign, why not just make the sequel the battle in the pacific? though the russians clealry wouldnt feature so heavily, and neither the brits. The dutch would on the other hand and the americans. I just really dont even see them thinking about anything for BoP that features the pacific.

If anymore DLC comes out then im almost certain its going to stay in the european theatre and offer us simple missions like we already got with the last one. Simple things like

"protect the convoy coming through the english channel from JU87'S"
"escort the B17's to the target and back (again!) though this time in the P51"
"take part in a raid against an enemy airfield in your blenheim bomber"

Just short simple missions like so, something easy to do and that will rake in the cash.

Doktorwzzerd 10-23-2009 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by FOZ_1983 (Post 113446)
Korea would have to be a whole new game since its not WW2...


Agreed on what we will *probably* get, but doing Korea *theoretically* could be as simple as creating F-86 and MiG-15 flight models and a new map. All of the physics and weapons are the same. The only trick might be adding speed breaks, but you could skip it or make a cheap solution and it would be no big deal. Maybe speed breaks could take the place of the view change (y on gamepad) or some other little used button in a pinch?

*Edit actually the British side of the Pacific wouldn't be so hard to do, wasn't the RAF active in the Burmese and Australia/New Zealand theaters?

As for the Russians... yeah Stalin didn't even declare war on the Japanese until the last months of 1945, just in time to seize Manchuria and influence China without doing any of the heavy lifting, boy I'm glad FDR and Truman trusted him, I'm sure the Chinese are as well.

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