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bosnian dragon 09-11-2009 10:40 PM

[MoW]&[FoW] Bosnian Woods (Multiplayer 4v4 map)
I proudly present my first multiplayer map made in GEM Editor. The map was originally built for Faces Of War. However, due to showed interest in playing this map in Men of War, I have adjusted it for that game too.

- In order to play this map online or on LAN, you must copy all the files from the downloaded archive to your maps folder. If you're a common user, the folder for all non-official multiplayer maps should be here:
C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Faces of War\resource\map\multi

If you cannot find the folder "map" inside of the "resource" folder, then just create it according to the address above. Once inside folder "multi", just create a new folder named Bosnian Woods and copy all the content from Bosnian Woods.rar to that folder.

Faces of War link 1:

password: virtualkaymak

Faces of War link 2:

- If you want to play the map in Men of War, you will have to install it as a mod. Download the mod from this link:
Men of War link 1:
Extract the folder "BosnianWoods" from the archive and copy it to your mods folder which is located in the main folder of the game. If you don't have the folder "mods" located there, then just create it.

I really hope that this map will get into some favorites :) Because it would be fun to play it with people online. :booyah:

Morgoth 09-11-2009 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by bosnian dragon (Post 99835)
I proudly present my first multiplayer map made in GEM Editor. The map was built for Faces Of War (Combat & Battle Zones). However, this is not going to be the last work in GEM for me, and I am already planning on starting to create a new, larger map. This one is perfect for 3v3, but it can also support 4v4 players.

All instructions on how to import the map into the game and other important information is located in the ReadMe file ;)

If you find any bugs in the missions, please feel free to contact me on the e-mail (You can find it in the ReadMe too).

Here is the link:


password: virtualkaymak

I really hope that this map will get into some favorites :) Because it would be fun to play it with people online. :)

Yes but this is the 'Men of War' forum lol.:grin:

Korsakov829 09-12-2009 02:53 AM

Can't Faces of War maps be converted to play in Men of War?

Anyway, looks good, might want work on the trenches though.

bosnian dragon 09-12-2009 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by Morgoth (Post 99846)
Yes but this is the 'Men of War' forum lol.:grin:

Yeah I know that, :) but I thought that some of people who play Men of War might want this map too...

About the trenches, I will try to improve the map with adding more trenches but the point is that this map is about fighting in the woods and hills, without artificial help :) Only natural covers ;)

Korsakov829 09-12-2009 05:34 PM

What I meant by the trenches was, on the top down screen you can see grass in them, so raise the trenches up, lower terrain under them, or paint the terrain for that area.

Anyway, keep building maps, I look forward to them.

bosnian dragon 09-12-2009 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Korsakov829 (Post 100076)
What I meant by the trenches was, on the top down screen you can see grass in them, so raise the trenches up, lower terrain under them, or paint the terrain for that area.

Anyway, keep building maps, I look forward to them.

That's just the minimap, and the shot was taken in the editor, so that's why it looks bad. When you actually play the map in the game the trenches look normal ;)

Korsakov829 09-12-2009 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by bosnian dragon (Post 100124)
That's just the minimap, and the shot was taken in the editor, so that's why it looks bad. When you actually play the map in the game the trenches look normal ;)

Ahh, sorry, im still a little unfarmiliar with the editor.

bosnian dragon 09-14-2009 11:10 AM

Just to inform you, I have uploaded this map on

You can download it from there. Also, rate it or comment it to show some support :) Thanks!!!

Morgoth 09-14-2009 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by bosnian dragon (Post 100872)
Just to inform you, I have uploaded this map on

You can download it from there. Also, rate it or comment it to show some support :) Thanks!!!

How do you put it in the Men of War game,ive tried all the folders but it dosnt show up unless i stick it in the single player folder,but obviously i dont want it there as there is no one player script to it.:(

Korsakov829 09-14-2009 09:50 PM

In a mod folder there should be a map folder also, try putting it in there.


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