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Dano 03-07-2011 11:20 AM

Oleg, Luthier, you need to give UBI a damn good bollocking.
I'm sorry but they are doing nothing to help sell your sim, in fact I'd go as far to say that they are actively damaging your sales with their complete incompetence regarding information and release.

You have a contract with them one would assume and we all know contracts work both ways so please, get on the phone and tell UBI to get a grib and sort it out.

We are two and a half weeks from release and we are still getting conflicting information in all areas and it looks ridiculous.

DRM, first it was TAGES, then it was Solidshield, now with added Steam. Which is it?

How about some positive information on release? Colectors editions in countries other than the UK? Normal boxed copies? Steam release schedules? Availability of boxed copies from sources other than UBI?

If the March 25th release is genuine as we have been told then why on earth is this information not forthcoming from UBI? Are they your publisher in the west or not?

If I was about to launch the results of a 5 or 6 year project that I wanted to be a success I'd be utterly livid with UBI's lacklustre and frankly pathetic handling of the situation.

Somebody over at UBI needs a damn good kick up the backside or are they just regurgitaing what they've been told and it's all down to your department? Something I find difficult to believe given your confirmed worldwide release in 18 days.

JG53Frankyboy 03-07-2011 11:29 AM

steam........................................... i hate it !!

pitty to need it :(

blampars 03-07-2011 11:34 AM

I love steam, I was happy to hear it would be involved.

I do agree that we should have more information at this point, but I'm just holding my breath that it all comes out sooner than later.

The Kraken 03-07-2011 11:42 AM

I'm not enthusiastic about Steam, but so far it's worked fine with me. What I don't get is why, again, there are several layers of DRM thrown into the mix by Ubi. And I agree with Dano that they are acting incredibly amateurish, again. I.e. when they act at all.

From the release side this is a mess, just as I was afraid of since Ubi was confirmed as the publisher.

DD_crash 03-07-2011 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Dano (Post 231526)
I'm sorry but they are doing nothing to help sell your sim, in fact I'd go as far to say that they are actively damaging your sales with their complete incompetence regarding information and release.

You have a contract with them one would assume and we all know contracts work both ways so please, get on the phone and tell UBI to get a grib and sort it out.

If I was about to launch the results of a 5 or 6 year project that I wanted to be a success I'd be utterly livid with UBI's lacklustre and frankly pathetic handling of the situation.

Somebody over at UBI needs a damn good kick up the backside or are they just regurgitaing what they've been told and it's all down to your department? Something I find difficult to believe given your confirmed worldwide release in 18 days.

This is what we all feared would happen when we knew it was Ubi. IF Ubi cant/wont release the collectors edition the maybe 1C might be allowed to ship them world wide.

TallBonapart 03-07-2011 12:20 PM

They should be happy that they have western publisher at all,not to mention major one.Because most of the publishers nowadays,avoiding simulation genre games,like a plague.

The Kraken 03-07-2011 12:26 PM

Not much of an advantage to have a major western publisher if that publisher doesn't care about the release.

Acid 03-07-2011 12:27 PM

Will we be able to purchase and download Cliffs of dover through steam?

Baron 03-07-2011 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Dano (Post 231526)
I'm sorry but they are doing nothing to help sell your sim, in fact I'd go as far to say that they are actively damaging your sales with their complete incompetence regarding information and release.

You have a contract with them one would assume and we all know contracts work both ways so please, get on the phone and tell UBI to get a grib and sort it out.

We are two and a half weeks from release and we are still getting conflicting information in all areas and it looks ridiculous.

DRM, first it was TAGES, then it was Solidshield, now with added Steam. Which is it?

How about some positive information on release? Colectors editions in countries other than the UK? Normal boxed copies? Steam release schedules? Availability of boxed copies from sources other than UBI?

If the March 25th release is genuine as we have been told then why on earth is this information not forthcoming from UBI? Are they your publisher in the west or not?

If I was about to launch the results of a 5 or 6 year project that I wanted to be a success I'd be utterly livid with UBI's lacklustre and frankly pathetic handling of the situation.

Somebody over at UBI needs a damn good kick up the backside or are they just regurgitaing what they've been told and it's all down to your department? Something I find difficult to believe given your confirmed worldwide release in 18 days.


Usually i try not to tell people what to do but this i find very hard not to agree with.

Everything is....wierd, to say the least.

This is exactly the things that gave me a massive headache when RoF was released, and still do even thinking "RoF" (doesnt matter how many things get fixed 12 months later) Im just put off and move on to other things.

addman 03-07-2011 01:49 PM

I'm not bothered to care anymore. It's a miracle if this game will be on store shelves this month. Also I saw the release date at bootstep now is 30/3, LOL! This is turning into a major farce. I feel sooo sorry for Oleg and the team, I really do.

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