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JG52Krupi 06-25-2012 03:45 PM

@Ati Crossfire Users
So with the latest patch xfire works quite well and I can get ~60fps with v sync on, which is good :D

However sometimes I connect to a game and have everything but the cockpit flashing from a bright to a darker shade, now I have to set the options from fullscreen to pseudo to stop the flashing. Obviously by doing this crossfire is turned off and I am now reduced to 30 fps near the ground.

To get the good fps I have to change back to fullscreen and hope the flashing has gone, if not turn off fullscreen launch the game and try again this can take a very long time as you can imagine.

So does anyone else have this problem and has it been highlighted to the devs?

Mods please leave this here for a day before moving to the sub forum, thanks

JTDawg 06-25-2012 05:09 PM

Salute Krupi ,I to get this quite a bit ,I've found 2 things that help 1st one is go back into loadout , repick your plane an loadout , then hit create (helps most of the time) If not back out of game , go into your ATI control panel an disable crossfire then enable again, Seems to fix it every time. I know as soon as i get into game if crossfire working, Like you my fps are halfed BTW i'm running 2 xfx 6870 black ed. hope this helps Dawg P.S. think game trys to shut it off or doesn't recognize you have crossfire enabled

JG52Krupi 06-25-2012 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by JTDawg (Post 437887)
Salute Krupi ,I to get this quite a bit ,I've found 2 things that help 1st one is go back into loadout , repick your plane an loadout , then hit create (helps most of the time) If not back out of game , go into your ATI control panel an disable crossfire then enable again, Seems to fix it every time. I know as soon as i get into game if crossfire working, Like you my fps are halfed BTW i'm running 2 xfx 6870 black ed. hope this helps Dawg P.S. think game trys to shut it off or doesn't recognize you have crossfire enabled

Ah cool thanks JT your a top dawg :D I will definitely have to try this out, I was getting very very fed up of having to change the setting load the game up change the settings rinse and repeat until it worked :-x

JTDawg 06-25-2012 07:32 PM

Hey Krupi , When my game is loading , when Red square thing comes , about halfway through my screen starts flashing (like when you enabe ,disable crossfire ) 2 maybe 3 times . Then the red square is blue ( I think thats the point it see or it don't) Let me know if your seeing what i'm seeing ? Salute

JG52Krupi 06-25-2012 09:40 PM

Well I see the red square flash blue once, but I using your methods I have not being able to get Xfire working :(... what DX10 profile do you use?

Btw here are some pics... FYI it constantly flickers between the two.

1st Issue Flashing Skin
free picture hosting
img upload

2nd Issue Flashing Terrain
upload picture
photo upload

3rd Issue A Mix of Both
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image upload
image upload
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hosting images
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And to think the game was looking like this :(
img upload
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I don't know why I can't get Xfire to work at all now :(

JG52Krupi 06-25-2012 09:58 PM

Oh and before anyone ask epilepsy is not on and does not stop the issue :P

Hippy Druid 06-25-2012 10:55 PM

I have 2x 6950's. I get this issue when I forget to limit my frame rate.
I fly with vsync on so I use dxtory to limit the frames to 58. It negates input lag and it prevents cpu and gpu spiking, which I suspect is the cause of that problem.

JG52Krupi 06-25-2012 10:57 PM

I will have to give that a go thanks for the tip Hippy.

Hippy Druid 06-25-2012 11:33 PM

Oh, I should add, that in CCC > Gaming > 3d Application settings > AMD CrossFireX Mode for 3d Applications > Use AMD pre-defined Profile. I use the Lost Planet dx10 profile. (LostPlanetDx10.exe).
All the other settings in that screen you should be able to adjust to your preference.

Basically everytime I run Launcher.exe now, it slaps the Lostplanet Crossfire profile on. If it actually makes a difference or it's just a placebo, I am not exactly sure. But I don't get the above-mentioned issues anymore.
The game flys really smooth, with minimal micro-stuttering when I'm looking around frantically whilst doing high speed turns over London.

Worth a crack anyhoo.

Good luck!

JG52Krupi 06-26-2012 06:46 AM

Yes I use the lost planet dx10 exe as well.

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