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Freycinet 05-25-2013 08:55 AM

Blenheim Attack by Freycinet [ClOD Movie]
(Best seen in fullscreen and 1080p)

I made this movie to show what amazing fun and excitement it is to fly Cliffs of Dover online. On the ATAG server everybody can join and fly missions like this one, where we try to take out an important target with our Bristol Blenheim bombers. The Blennie is a bit of a crappy plane, but that just makes the challenge even bigger, and the tension too. As you can see, a fellow came along in his Spitfire to escort us: his contribution was really crucial because he diverted the Flak at a crucial moment.

With the Team Fusion patch and the great online missions on the ATAG server it is really fabulous fun to fly Cliffs of Dover online... - As I think you can see in the movie!

Comments and criticism very welcome.

Chivas 05-25-2013 05:45 PM

Excellent....... I really enjoyed the video.

It must be hard for the old development crew to see their potential masterpiece unfinished, and so unheralded, after so many years of hard work. Thankfully Team Fusion is keeping it alive, and we may yet see a good portion of its potential.

Freycinet 05-25-2013 09:21 PM

Thanks for the reply Chivas... - Good to see there are still some people in here.

Skoshi Tiger 05-26-2013 12:02 AM

Hey Freycinet,

Really liked the video. It highlights the details that make CoD so good. The landscape detail down low and the objects that make the environment come alive.

It also shows me the reason I fly the Blenhiem so often! :)

Makes me want to get on ATAG now!

Hope to see you online soon.

DUI 05-27-2013 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by Skoshi Tiger (Post 503787)
It also shows me the reason I fly the Blenhiem so often! :)

Makes me want to get on ATAG now!

Makes me to get on ATAG and shoot down some of those mean Blenheims! ;)

Really a great video, thanks a lot!

Freycinet 05-27-2013 04:14 PM

You evil Hun... :-)

RupertVonHentzau 05-27-2013 09:00 PM

Enjoyed the video and especially music very much, too.

Two things are of interest to me: Is there some micro stuttering as you see planes from outside over landscapes - or is this my old rig?

Am I right: The Evil Hun put a Red Cross tent (bombed at around 9.50) next to a radar antenna? ;)

Freycinet 05-28-2013 05:19 PM

Stuttering is not too noticeable when I fly the mission, but there is a bit due to the capture effort (30 images per second being stored on the computer), I think. The sim remains eminently playable. The only instances of a noticeable slowdown is particles whirling up behind the planes when they roll fast on the ground.

Yes, evil evil Hun! Or rather the ATAG mission designer who decided on the composition of the "Panzer division" ground target...

zapatista 05-29-2013 02:26 AM

nice video to illustrate the CoD game qualities :)

but if you know exactly where the flak battery is, why still fly directly over it ? navigation skills were good enough to locate the flak and target locations exactly, surely a slight additional detour around the AA unit would have significantly reduced the risk.

and if you had to fly directly over the AA zone for some reason, why fly over it like a line of ducks in a row with spacing between your line of planes, allowing the flak to target one plane at a time in high concentration ? ( spread out side by side forces the AA to split its fire making it less risky)

tactic tactics gentlemen :)

Freycinet 05-29-2013 11:07 AM

Zapatista, that target is surrounded by Flak on all sides. I think we actually managed a good short interval between our three Blennies. The Old Man didn't find the target, but as you can see I bombed only a few seconds after the first Blennie that dropped its load. His time-delayed bombs even went off after mine. Flying parallel is not so easy when you have to hit the same target! Coming in from different compass directions would be good, but that would of course present a huge problem regarding the timing...

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