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ace76543 03-20-2010 05:53 PM

This game could be great for me but..
My characters move around on their own. My tanks randomly switch from ap shells to he shells to rear machine gun to forward machine gun etc. I tell my men to go one way, they start, then turn around and go in some random direction. Why is this happening? This is a really interesting game but I'm on the verge of uninstalling it and throwing it out because there's no use in having a strategy game where your units mess up your strategy because they feel like taking an afternoon stroll. Seriously, what gives?

robi120 03-20-2010 08:03 PM

Change the move-mode to hold,its that arrow in unit desc.This way your units will no matter what stay in that position(they will move ONLY if a tank tryes to run them over and this happens rarley).

And with the tanks,thers AI changes HE-AP shell.Go to direct controrl if you want to control them.

ace76543 03-21-2010 12:56 AM

how do you see inside of buildings when your units are in them? how do you go to the upper floors?

Korsakov829 03-21-2010 03:25 AM

Men of War seriously needs a tutorial.

ace76543 03-21-2010 04:13 PM


kane1 03-22-2010 12:53 AM

Some buildings you can put your guys at the windows, like towers, and certain trees. When they go into a two story building if you zoom in on your guy the building goes transparent. There are certain buildings with stairs that you can get to the second floor but very few.

KnightFandragon 03-23-2010 04:21 PM

Buildings are weird in this game, some go transparent others dont. Its kinda annoying moving around in cities and what not, also fighting inside buildings is a joke. I have fought in cities a time or two and the one attacking into the building loses every time, so yeah. Also, the random AI is my problem also. The random strolling is mostly taken care of by setting all units to the "Hold Position" stance or w/e its called but another and big problem I have noticed in this game is how you order a squad or so to attack a guy behind a sandbag and they sit there acting as if they dont have a clear line of sight to your intended target meanwhile the very guy who you want to kill is killing your men. Also, sometimes your guys will run in front of other troops and stand there after u tell them to attack the soldier from the other side of the house, prior to moving aroud it. Also, Top AA Tank Machinegunners, these guys are blind as well, they do pretty much the same thing. See a guy run up to the tank and sit there while the tank gets a 'nade up the tail pipe. So dont worry Ace your troubles w/ stupid AI are just beginning =P You'll prolly also find out if u havent already that when you select the squad leader in a squad (guy w/ yellow triangle under him) you move him u move the entire squad. Also, sometime you will try to move a squad and half of them wont move. So yeah, when u want to move single men, hit "K" and break up the squad first.....its easier that way.

Shaban 06-20-2010 09:45 AM

Yep,AI is pretty bad in this game...
Thats why i use direct control often.

Korsakov829 06-20-2010 06:02 PM

Bad AI? It took years to get what we got here, show a little respect for the time, research and money put into it.

Shaban 06-20-2010 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Korsakov829 (Post 165599)
Bad AI? It took years to get what we got here, show a little respect for the time, research and money put into it.

I think AI is pretty bad in some situations.. like:
I order unit to run to cover because enemy is shooting at him but instead he crouches and starts to heal...
then i order unit to go behind cover because theres tank and he charges at tank and ofc dies...
i order unit to go behind tank and throw AT granade at him but instead he runs out of cover and charges at tank...
and so on...
but i must say,in some situations AI is good,and rest of game is just perfect

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