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dazz1971 10-26-2009 10:33 AM

anton are you gonna fix this game or what ?
Anton what is happening with the title update has it been released for Q/A weeks ago like you said on the other forum you seem to be hiding in OR did you LIE ??
you and the devs seem so pre occupied with the sequel WELL I WONT BE BUYING ANYTHING YOU GUYS RELEASE UNTILL YOU FIX THE GAME I PAID FOR FIRST !! do you think im gonna fork out my hard earned cash ? when you have allready sold me a game that is broken and then been abandoned it has and these are the facts !

1 half the cockpits are missing
2 most of the planes do not fly like they should
3 if playing on mp i can sit around for 2 hours and maybe find 2/3 games do you seriously think that is fun ?? and what passes as a working game?
4 in mp you are limited to a handfull of planes to use i mean did you think anyone would choose to fly something like the mc202 ???
5 on the copy i brought there was a cool little sticker that claims this game works great with the saitek av8r stick yet you didnt even fix the deadzone issue now the deadzone IS down to your game i know this cause ive used it with a pc game and there is no deadzone


AND please answer with facts and truth no more smoke and mirrors plz and no im not waiting for a sarcastic matter of fact arrogant relpy either !!!!

RANT OVER :evil:

FOZ_1983 10-26-2009 11:13 AM

I dont mind waiting a week or two longer for a patch, but some info on it would be nice. Its not like they dont check this forum either. Yesterday the other developer (not anton) was on here snooping around but didnt reply to any thread.

No info then this games dead.

dazz1971 10-26-2009 11:26 AM

im mean what really ticks me off is they seem to have abandoned us
no info on anything anymore nothing nada

now i dont know about you foz but i have to work dam long hours and work sodding hard for my money and then i spend it on a game that is faulty ok so that happens with most games i know but ... they say they have released a patch then they havnt then they might not even bother all the time keeping us loyal paying customers in the dark its just poor really :evil:

i mean look at how many ppl used to be online when this launched and look how many play now ?? i posted weeks ago they should sort out the mp or this game would die and now look what is happening

basicly they choose to ignore everybodys concerns about this game and left it to die in my eyes and then think about ripping us off again with a sequel no sodding way mate !!!

FOZ_1983 10-26-2009 11:29 AM

Tell me about it mate!!

i work full time for a job with crap pay, so the time i do get off i like to spend the little moeny i do get on something worth while. This was supposed to be it.

Few issues yea, but we were assured a patch would deal with them. But...... now screen shots are popping up for it on the PC -WITH GERMAN COCKPITS!! which is a ridiculous kick in the teeth for the guys in this forum. Talk about taking the piss!!

Like i said, i can wait a week or two longer, but i'd just like an update as to whats gonig on!

stez_ibanez 10-26-2009 11:40 AM

Stopped playing this a couple of weeks back as i was fed up with the issues this game has, didnt get the dlc as i thought it was overpriced, if the patch doesnt appear soon then im afraid this game will be getting traded which is a real shame

dazz1971 10-26-2009 11:42 AM

i hear you foz i mean they have told us nothing for weeks now good customer service eh?? :(

FOZ_1983 10-26-2009 11:42 AM

should know by now mate - never trust a russian! ;)

Anton Yudintsev 10-26-2009 12:14 PM

Guys, the Title Update is ready (for last two weeks).
We are waiting for publisher to release it.
You have to understand, that we can't release updates, DLC or whatever ourselves.
We can only make it.
And we've made all of it, on our own money (self-funded).

So we are just waiting as well as you.
Stop blame us, that's unfair - we are the ones, who suffered most, because we are spending our own money to make community happy, and not only getting a dime from that, but also recieving negative feedback.

Let's wait (and blame publisher) together.

Anton Yudintsev 10-26-2009 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by dazz1971 (Post 114338)
i hear you foz i mean they have told us nothing for weeks now good customer service eh?? :(

We are not providing customer service. It's publisher's responsibility, not ours.
Here we _talk_ with community. Getting feedback and providing interesting info,

When we were making updates - I've provided info.
Now, we are waiting for update to be released.
I am really upset with situation as well as you all are - but if you'll start blame and yell at us, that won't help.

FOZ_1983 10-26-2009 12:24 PM


the patch is completed and its with MS/SONY and down to them to get it to us? or the publishers?

Can you not give them a kick up the arse?

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